Aviation Industry Blog

Find airline news, aviation data analysis, bite-size infographics and thought leadership from industry experts on the OAG blog.

John Grant

John Grant
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Recent Posts


The World of Connected Airports: Megahubs, Hubs and Niche Airports

Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common ...


Low-Cost Carriers in The Aviation Industry: Where Next?

Low-cost carriers (LCCs) are an established and evolving part of the aviation ...


African Aviation: Optimistic Signs of Market Growth, or Increasing Risk?

Welcome back to the last in our series of articles focused on the African ...


China Expands International Network but will Demand Follow?

The missing piece of the pandemic recovery jigsaw was the reopening of China ...


CrowdStrike Travel Chaos: Airlines Struggling Back to Normal Operations

It’s hard enough running an airline at the best of times and maintaining ...


Middle East Aviation: New Aircraft Orders

Here is the last in our series of articles focused on the Middle East Aviation ...


Middle East Aviation: Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030

Welcome to the second article of a 3-part series exploring the Middle East ...


Ethiopian Airlines Leaves Kenya Airways Behind

Stand still in the airline industry and you will get left behind very quickly. ...


Middle East Aviation: A Constantly Climbing Market

This is the first article of a 3-part series exploring the Middle East Aviation ...


Euro 2024: How The Top Travel Stats Line Up

The next big European football event, the UEFA European Football Championship, ...


Scandinavia’s Star To Shine Less Brightly?

And so, what we all expected has been formalized and SAS Scandinavian Airlines ...


Japan’s Slowly Rising Recovery: Swimming against a Tide of Adversity

Cast your minds back to 2019, a frequently referenced year as the pre-pandemic ...


Why Is Average Flight Capacity Increasing at Its Fastest Rate Ever?

Things change slowly in the aviation industry and it’s very rare to see a “step ...


Spring Capacity Points to a Full Travel Recovery

It’s finally over. The IATA Winter Season has just a few more days to run and ...


Spain’s Hollow Domestic Flight Change: Regulatory Interference Highlights How Well Airlines Self-Regulate

Spain’s announcement of plans to switch domestic flights to rail services is ...


Are Ryanair Proving That Domestic Services Can Work?

This week Ryanair released their Q3 financial results, and it was my turn for ...


Have January's Cancellation Rates Dashed US Airlines' Hopes for the New Year?

Every airline and airport operations director starts the new year full of hope ...


Turkish Airlines Adds Another Country to Their Network

An airline’s key marketing message is frequently built around the products ...


Boeing’s New Year Wishes Blown Away Already

Every year Boeing’s executives hope that the next year will be better than the ...


Navigating the Future of Air Travel: Insights for 2024

In the ever-evolving realm of air travel, the coming year holds a multitude of ...


Edinburgh Airport: January Sales Arrive Early

It’s been rumoured for quite some time, but as an early seasonal present to the ...


The First and Last Flights of the Year

Aviation never rests, there are always scheduled services in the sky carrying ...


Where Is Santa In December? His Secret Hideaway Is Hidden In The Flight Data

Data always points you in the way of valuable insights, and as the year comes ...


Aviation Leaders Discuss 2024 Challenges

Against the backdrop of the Dubai Air Show and COP28, the aviation industry’s ...


A Marginal Improvement In Thanksgiving Punctuality Is An Achievement To Celebrate

As the dust settles on the latest seasonal holiday and attention switches to ...


LCCs' Domestic Capacity Share Grows in the US

At times, change can occur gradually, slowly evolving over time. It often ...


Peaks and Lows in Thanksgiving Demand Cause Operational Challenges for US Airlines

The next week will see US Airlines come under tremendous pressure as the rush ...


Tracking the Evolution of airlines: 2019-2023

In 2019, 256 new airlines entered the industry (listing scheduled capacity for ...


The World's Smallest Aviation Markets

In the global aviation market, we often talk about the largest, the longest and ...


Europe: The Frustrations of a Hub Airport

Commercial aviation is dominated by a series of hub airports where passengers ...


Australia: When a Fair Share Isn’t Quite Fair!

Aviation is a regulated industry, and however much we like to think otherwise, ...


Africa: When the Crossroads Get Closed

We’ve all been there, you are in a rush to get somewhere and suddenly hit a ...


Capacity Discipline In The US Market Relaxes

One of the notable features of the market post pandemic has been the high ...


Matching Supply to Demand: The Art of Successful Management

It’s a very simple equation, match supply to demand or indeed keep supply a ...


A Productive Q2 2023 For The Airline Industry: Interpreting The Data


Are Travel Codes About To Get More Complex?

In the good old days of travel, when flights departed on time and there were no ...


Ryanair Adds 28% More Seats Vs July 2019, Busiest Day For Capacity Set For 10th August

The pandemic made airlines constantly reevaluate and pivot their strategies, ...


Peak Summer Airline Capacity but Mind the Gaps!

As the summer season reaches its peak over the next few weeks it seems that the ...


US Travel Disruption: Lucky Escape for Some, but Not United Airlines and JetBlue

The last few weeks have created a perfect summer storm for the US majors as a ...


An Unforgettable Week in Paris

An iconic destination and hot weather - it must be the week of the Paris Air ...


Transatlantic Bounce Back Becomes a Boing!

Western Europe to the United States of America was one of the first long-haul ...


French Short-haul Flight ‘Ban’ Follows Already Established Trend

The law of unintended consequences seems to impact the airline industry more ...


The Changing Picture of Long-Haul Travel

It seems like the pandemic is finally behind us and that aviation is returning ...


Formula One Science in Aircraft Turnarounds

Every Second (or Minute) Literally Counts Two point one seconds, the fastest ...


Central Asia’s Rapid Travel Recovery

When you have the whole world to look at - and masses of data at your ...


The World’s Most Heavily Used Aircraft Types - Answering The Big ASK

It appears that people are obsessed with measuring airlines. From the quality ...


African Aviation – Another Set of Crossroads

The World Cup is now a distant memory, and the success of Morocco was a great ...


Stretching Non-Stop Flights to the Limit

Attention is already turning to next year for the people working on Project ...


Pilot Shortages Likely to Frustrate Airline Growth and Travelers Will Pay the Price in Airfares

Every day we seem to hear of shortages: tomatoes, electricity, micro-chips, and ...


Will IAG TAP Into a New Opportunity?

In this article, John Grant discusses the possible sale of ITA Airways and the ...


The Clue Is in the Name for Virgin Atlantic’s Route Network Strategy

The Virgin brand has always been different, a global phenomenon full of amazing ...


The Worth of Heathrow’s Slots: Europe’s Most Valuable Airport Highlights Market Recovery

There are some established indicators of how confident the airline industry is ...


EasyJet Rebuilds: Better Than Expected Results Raise Wider Industry Optimism

It’s not been an easy recovery for easyJet. While the market recovery in Europe ...


Air India Tidies Up in London

London Gatwick Benefits With New Services India is hot, to state the obvious, ...


China’s International Reopening: More of a Slow Burner Than a Game Changer

The news that China removed quarantine requirements for inbound travelers and ...


New Year, New Hope, Despite Challenges Ahead in 2023

A new year is here and hopefully the travel recovery will continue through the ...


An Overview of Airline Capacity as the Travel Recovery Continues

This week we are going to take a look at total airline capacity across the ...


Airports See a Ten-Fold Increase in Flight Cancellations as Snow Hits Europe

China is back! Well at least for this week, which highlights how quickly ...


Airline Alliances…Time To Change Partners?

There has never been a period of such capacity change as we have seen during ...


Seat Capacity Set to Finish 31% Up on 2021 & France's Short-Haul Own Goal Gives Hope to England

Judging by the way that airlines are moving capacity up and down over the next ...


US Airlines Deliver a Punctual Thanksgiving for Travelers

Airline Capacity Rises Above 90 Million Again Global airline capacity has once ...


US Airlines Cut One Million Seats for Thanksgiving

The dizzy heights of summer when global capacity was over 100 million seats a ...


Keep it Quiet...Has the Airline Industry Finally Stabilised?

It may seem like a quiet period for the aviation industry with global airline ...


North America Full Travel Recovery Within Touching Distance

Returning to work after a two-week holiday and it’s good to know that at least ...


2022 Scheduled Airline Capacity Predicted to Reach 87% of 2019 Level

As the second quarter financial results for airlines begin to be finalised, for ...


Chinese Airline Capacity Bounces Back ... The Rest of the World Enjoys a Week of Stability

Global airline capacity has bounced back as a combination of both lockdowns in ...


Unique Opportunities for Airlines and Airports Ahead of the 2022 FIFA World Cup

And the World Cup Winner 2022 is...Dubai! The final pre-tournament matches have ...


Central Asia Outperforms Its Pre-Pandemic Levels

Global airline capacity continues its steady descent, having passed back ...


A Good News Week In Asia As More Markets Open... But Cancellation Rates for Some Are Edging Up

Three pieces of good news broke in Asia last week that, although not providing ...


A Quiet Reflective Week of Capacity Changes - Aviation Boost in North East Asia as Japan Reopens

The latest reopening of some commercial centres in China has resulted in a ...


Recovery in Most Regions Continues, Airline Capacity Below 100 Million Due to Latest Lockdown in China

After the summer season of 100 million seats plus a week, global airline ...


British Airways Remove Half a Million Seats from Q4

Is This the Last Week of 100 Million Weekly Scheduled Seats? Although global ...


Airlines Increasingly Cautious About Winter Season

Another week of more than 102 million scheduled seats makes this the eighth ...


Western Europe Becomes Largest Regional Market

There are some interesting movements in the weekly capacity update from OAG, ...


UK Cancellation Rates Fall and India is Fastest Growing Market

One thing we learned throughout the pandemic is that when you think things are ...


The A380 Returns: An Aircraft of Opportunity or Necessity?

In the week when the last A380 was delivered to Emirates, it seemed an ...


Capacity is Coming Home as Latest Cancellation Rates Prove a Mixed Bag

A modest half a million more seats week on week once again takes global ...


South East Asia Bounces Back as Airline Cancellation Rates Continue To Fall in Europe

For the second consecutive week, global airline capacity has eased back with a ...


Are Flight Cancellation Rates Improving as the Holiday Season Starts?

Despite some airports capping airline capacity without consultation in the last ...


Airlines Face Half Billion Revenue Gap as London Heathrow Restricts Capacity

It came as no surprise that London Heathrow would have to take action on the ...


Cancellations Settling Across Europe as Airline Capacity Cuts Kick In

Confidence Building in China With Airbus Order This week saw several airlines ...


100 Million Seats Mark Finally Broken

Airlines Continue to Rebuild Capacity For the first time since January 2019, ...


The Airbus A380 Gets Ready To Roll Out Again and Capacity Edges to 100 Million

This week’s airline capacity has settled at 99.9 million seats - so close and ...


North East Asia Sees Growth as China Adds Seats

As temperatures continue to soar in Europe, airline capacity has followed ...


100 Million Seats a Week by Mid-July

Rather like an English batsman stuck in the nervous nineties, global airline ...


Airport Slots... The Value of Nothing!

For something that does not physically exist airport slots receive a lot of ...


Western Europe Becomes the Largest Market in the World

It has been a disappointing week for global airline capacity as total seats ...


London Heathrow is the World’s Busiest International Airport This Week

Total scheduled airline seats this week remains above the 90 million mark, a ...


12 August Set Up as Busiest Day for Airline Capacity

As We Hit 90 Million Seats… Shortages Create an Ongoing Challenge


Qantas Unveils Record-Breaking Project Sunrise Flights As Travel Recovery Gathers More Pace

It all happened at the weekend. Qantas finally confirmed Project Sunrise with a ...


More Restriction-Free Travel Destinations Join the Path to Recovery

Chinese Airline Capacity Begins to Rebuild As travel restrictions continue to ...


Positive Developments for the Aviation Industry & Global Airline Capacity Edges Closer to 90 Million

Last week we reported on a challenging week for the aviation industry as ...


A Bumpy Week for Aviation as Resource Shortages Impact Travel

It was never going to be a straightforward recovery from the global pandemic ...


When Opposites Attract - A Spirited Approach from JetBlue

They say opposites attract and if that is the case, then this week’s approach ...


European Airlines Lead First Quarter Recovery: Three Regions Now Above 2019 Capacity Levels

As we finish the first quarter of the year, global capacity has remained above ...


Transatlantic Travel Recovery Gathers Pace - American Airlines Bookings Lead the Way

Tracking airline capacity has, for a long time, been the best measure of what ...


Airlines Spring Back Into Action - The Good, Bad and Ugly Parts of the Air Travel Recovery…

The first week of the season is like a typical April day, a bit of sunshine, ...


The Last Week of Winter: Forward Airline Capacity Looks Bright and Forward Travel Bookings Look Even Brighter…

As another Northern Hemisphere Winter Season draws to a close, this week’s ...


Global Airline Capacity Continues Its Recovery

Two years ago, global airline capacity fell off a cliff; 21 million seats were ...


Global Airline Capacity Overview

These are challenging times for the world and there are more important ...


Ukraine Crisis Brings More Challenges for Airlines Despite Global Recovery Signs

The last week’s events in Europe have been deeply concerning for an industry ...


Russia Closes its Aviation Borders: Affected Airlines will Find Alternatives

The escalation of events in the Ukraine are a tragic development at all levels ...


London Heathrow and the Problem of Not Being Able To Move

It’s been a very tough few years for the whole aviation industry and much of ...


Major European Markets Double in Size as Storm Eunice Hits

The last two years have challenged the airline industry in so many different ...


Low-Cost Carriers in Pole Position - How Adversity Has Led to Opportunity

One of the lessons from the global pandemic was never to miss an opportunity in ...


Frontier & Spirit Airlines Proposed Merger Makes Them A Top 10 Carrier

We’ve been here before but breaking through the 80 million mark this week is ...


Olympian Capacity Recovery in China Takes Gold

Increasing Signs of Recovery in All Markets Global airline capacity has bounced ...


Ryanair and EasyJet Bring Back Significant Capacity in Europe

Global Capacity Melts As China Prepares For Winter Olympics In normal times ...


Two Years On: Hope Is Omicron Impact Has Bottomed Out, as Brighter April Looms

Every week for the last two years we have been providing a weekly update on the ...


The Price of On-time Performance, Are We Willing To Pay the Price?

The last two years have been awful for the whole travel and tourism industry ...


33 Million Seats Dropped in Two Weeks

Airline capacity continues to fall as Omicron spreads with 33 million seats now ...


January Aftershock: Airline Market Continues to Weather Omicron

Global airline capacity has fallen this week as the impact of travel ...


2021 Global Airline Capacity Finished at 5.7 Billion, 35% Down on Pre-COVID Levels

The devil really is in the data this week, or to be more precise it is behind ...


Capacity Grows Again this Week as a Final Present for the Year and Quarter One 2022 is not Looking too Bad… Yet!

It feels a bit like Groundhog Day, or perhaps week or IATA season, as we close ...


Mixed Messages Ahead of the Seasonal Holidays

On the face of it, the data looks slightly positive this week with capacity ...


Airline Capacity Remains Stable as Omicron Provokes Hasty Responses From Governments

Despite the best attempts of the latest Covid-19 variant 'Omicron', and a ...


U.S Airlines Recovery – the highs & lows of meeting demand

Does Network Stability Equal Network Profitability? Covid-19 has stretched the ...


No Significant Impact From Omicron Variant on Scheduled Flights To Report...

Network Planning as Usual for Airlines ... At Least for Now It was always going ...


New Covid Variant 'Omicron': Airline Stocks Impacted but no Need for Panic

The overnight news of a new covid variant of concern, Omicron, discovered by ...


China’s US$20 Billion Hold on Asian Aviation - Continued Lockdowns Now Stalling Any Recovery

The great aviation recovery is underway, or more precisely - airline capacity ...


Global Airline Capacity Becomes Becalmed Ahead of Thanksgiving

If last week was busy with IATA Slot, the Dubai Air Show and new aircraft ...


New Aircraft Orders and Borders Reopening, But Global Airline Capacity Remains Flat, At Least For Now...

A busy week for the aviation industry sees the good and great meeting at the ...


Thanksgiving Gifts as Airline Recovery Continues

US Airlines have a major role to play at Thanksgiving transporting literally ...


The World’s Richest Market Finally Reopens!

A Welcome Injection of US$ 2.8 Billion For Transatlantic Carriers After more ...


Winter Brings Good News With Markets Reopening and New Routes Starting!

As the IATA Winter Season starts there is plenty of good news around the globe ...


Tracking the Aviation Recovery: Summer Is Over and the Winter Looks Much Better

The last week of the 2021 summer season brings the usual mix of changes in ...


Positivity Soars as Travel Markets Reopen but Airlines Remain Cautious

It seems that everything is positive for the aviation industry this week as ...


Increasing Positivity Around the Globe as Key Indicators Improve

The last seven days have felt like things are beginning to get back to some ...


Airline Capacity Grows to Year End as Confidence Rebuilds

As the IAGA AGM commences today, there is an increasing feeling that the global ...


Scheduled Airlines Respond to the Reopening of the Transatlantic Market

The Transatlantic Aviation Market Reopens in November and Scheduled Airlines ...


British Airways Abandons Short Haul Hopes at London Gatwick

Common Sense Prevails in London...at Last! No, not the reopening of the US ...


Christmas Comes Early for Airline CEOs

Finally, good news for every scheduled airline CEO in Europe and the United ...


Business Air Travel Remains the Key Factor to the Year End

Airline Capacity Continues Towards a Soft Landing The slow, but now steady, ...


Global Airline Capacity Expected to Increase by Less Than 15% in 2021

Global Airline Capacity Unlikely to Reach Pre-Pandemic Levels Before 2023 at ...


Airline Capacity Softens Around the World

Africa’s ‘Lego’ Airline Proves Unbreakable It is only September, but the ...


Airlines Hopes of US$160 Billion Revenue Injection Lost in August

Peeking over the wall to the end of the year tells you all you need to know ...


Airlines Expectations for any Recovery in 2021 are Fading

Modest Weekly Growth Hides Longer-Term Trends The ups and downs of aviation’s ...


US Airlines Steal An Advantage Over Competitors

Financial Impact of the One-Way Road It’s fair to say that the airline industry ...


Aviation’s Recovery Stutters Once Again

Capacity Remains Trapped As Major Markets Remain Closed.


Airlines Are Heading for a US $48 Billion Loss or Worse This Year

Global Capacity Gets Flushed Away…Again Last week’s marginal reductions in ...


Global Aviation Stuck in Suspended Animation

Will Hero Joe Come to the Rescue? Marginal reductions in global capacity this ...


Airlines Likely to Lose Over US$8 Billion Of Transatlantic Revenues

Global Capacity Descends Again… Global capacity once again slipped back week on ...


North American Fleet Orders - Marginal Gains For Long Term Revenues

The aviation recovery is underway, well it is in some parts of the world and ...


Airlines Break Through 80 Million Seats A Week

Olympics 2021 Lead To A Sprint In Japanese Airline Capacity This is ...


Global Airline Capacity Fails To Break The 80 Million Mark

Capacity settles at 79.8 million, a slight increase on last week of 1.5% with ...


An Encouraging Week for Many Airlines - Then A Bubble Burst and an Outbreak Occurs

This week’s data highlights once again just how frustrating and different every ...


Airlines Add Back Another 3.1 Million Seats This Week

The challenges of the airline industry are captured in this week’s data; ...


Airline Capacity Continues to Grow In the Short Term

But 21.4 Million More Seats Removed From June to September Inventory Rather ...


Capacity Grows But Airlines Fail Over The Weekend

Industry Breaks Through 70 million Capacity Per Week The airline industry has ...


Transatlantic Travel Trauma

US$ 5.4 Billion Of Revenue Risk For Major Airlines In a normal year, this is ...


Airline Capacity Steadies Before Another Likely Tumble

Since last week saw some of the fastest capacity growth since January 2020, we ...


Airline Capacity Bounces Back In Europe & The United States Reclaims First Position

Following last week’s lack of activity, airlines have been adding capacity back ...


Managing Fleet Recoveries in a Pandemic, Ryanair Wins Again!

We all want to get back to normal, business travellers flying around the globe ...


Airline Capacity Stalls As We Head Into The Summer Season

80% of the World’s Largest International Markets Remain at Less Than 10% of ...


Airlines Flying Close to the Sun

Domestic Airline Capacity Heats Up This Summer As The Market Changes It is an ...


It's Green for Go! UK Reopens for International Flights but to Where?

The UK’s Green List for Travel Polite words and phrases such as “a step in the ...


Is this the Beginning of the Aviation Recovery?

Ryanair announces a US$989 million loss and apparently, things are getting ...


Slim Pickings for European Travel as Loosening Restrictions Fail to Deliver for Airlines

Although global capacity remains broadly flat week-on-week with some 62.1 ...


Following the Paper Trail to Ticketless Travel and Travel Technology

It is the most important part of travel, but probably the only thing that you ...


Airlines Eagerly Await Traffic Light Travel Announcement

Airlines Eagerly Awaiting Traffic Lights to Arrive, Will This Be The ...


Is the US Aviation Market In Recovery? Airlines Experiment with New Network Strategies

Domestic airline capacity, and TSA volumes, a proxy for flight demand have ...


Airlines Add More Capacity This Week & Capacity is Much Stronger Than This Time Last Year

The headline numbers suggest that global airline capacity has seen a slight ...


Aviation Hops Towards A Recovery in Some Places But Global Airline Capacity Falls Again

It's only 40,000 seats in each direction, or just 0.065% of global airline ...


Aviation’s Maddest Week of News - Airline Capacity Shrinks Too

Even by aviation’s normal standards, it has been a strange week. At the same ...


Airlines Continue to Add Back Capacity - Eight Consecutive Weeks of Capacity Growth

The eighth consecutive week of capacity growth takes us to 63.2 million seats a ...


Summer Travel Airline Capacity Bounces Back

Summer Season Travel Airline Capacity Begins to Bounce Back & US Airlines ...


Mixed Messages in A Week of Capacity Changes and United Airlines Make Dramatic Transatlantic Capacity Cuts for Q3

It feels like it has been a busy week in terms of airline activity. Capacity ...


Airline Capacity Continues to Climb Like An A340…Slowly But Surely US Capacity Races Ahead of TSA Checkpoint Volumes

Another one million additional seats added back week-on-week, carry on at this ...


The Power of Connecting Passengers - Later Guest Arrivals to Become The New Normal

If you have ever sat on a plane wondering where the person sitting next to you ...


Confidence Continues to Build as Weekly Capacity Increases

Optimism continues to build in the recovery with weekly capacity increasing ...


Optimism Breaks Out Around the World, Very Large Airline Capacity Increases Shaping Up from May

Optimism breaks out around the world as the capacity recovery is underway! Four ...


Joining The Dots But Missing The “T’s” Socially Distancing Whilst Connecting, A Complex Issue

There is growing optimism around an aviation recovery; in the UK it’s almost ...


Network Planners Take A Well-Deserved Break

It has been a very quiet week for global flight capacity with one of the ...


China Springs Back and American Airlines are Back at Number One

It was only ever likely to be for a week, but China has snatched back the title ...


Chinese Domestic Capacity Collapses with Record Reductions

Wow, where did that come from! A near 27% reduction in capacity and the loss of ...


Industry Heads For Half A Billion Fewer Seats in Quarter One

Finally it’s over, we mean January not Covid-19 and the airline industry can ...


easyJet and Ryanair Share The Capacity Pain While China and The United States Lead The World

Another dire week for global aviation with more lockdowns, sudden suspensions ...


Twelve Months on and it's Getting Worse

Fifty-two weeks ago, we wrote a short blog highlighting some of the regional ...


Europe's Low-Cost Carriers Summer Shuffle

Fed up with looking back at 2020 data we’ve sneaked a peek forward at how some ...


Global Capacity Likely to Be Cut by Around 350 Million in Next Few Weeks

Plus it's carnage in Europe as one quarter of capacity lost in a week. It is ...


2021 Capacity Starts Slowly - Can We Close Our Eyes For A Few Months Please

The flattest seasonal holiday season has been reflected in the latest global ...


2021 Aviation’s Year of Recovery- Get Ready To Enjoy A Remarkable Year of Growth

Despite everything that has been thrown at the aviation industry in 2020 there ...


So Nearly Sixty One Million…But Probably Not for Long

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty-Nine: Nearly breaking through sixty-one ...


Wow, Where Did That Come From? Early Seasonal Capacity Gifts Around the World

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty-Eight: Second guessing global capacity ...


Steady At 55 - Aviation Breaks Through 2.5 Billion “Lost” Seats This Week

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty-Seven: Whilst seasonal decorations ...


Cruising At 55 Million and Going Nowhere

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty-Six: It’s been a very quiet week on the ...


US Airlines Take Different Approaches to Thanksgiving

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty-Five: Global aviation capacity continues ...


Consolidation Starts in South Korea When Two Become Won…..

It’s big news in Asia but hasn’t really grabbed as many column inches in the ...


Global Capacity Stabilises At Least For One Week

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty-Four: But capacity falls below June ...


The State of the States

US Aviation swings to the positive as international capacity steps up This week ...


Global Capacity Trending Down to Less Than 50 Million By Year End

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty-Three: The worrying and steady weekly ...


UK Aviation's Three Wise Men Come to The Rescue

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty-Two: Early Saturday evening and there ...


China Southern Airlines Becomes the World's Largest Airline Again

Coronavirus Capacity Update Week Forty One: The last week has probably been one ...


Small is Beautiful : Pockets of Good News and Positive Signs

Coronavirus Capacity Update: For the last forty weeks we have analysed the data ...


Southwest Strategic Opportunity

The Perfect Moment For Disruption If you have over 100 aircraft scheduled for ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Thirty-Nine Delta Air Lines Becomes The World’s Largest Carrier...At Least For This Week

Traditionally the next week is one of the most impressive displays of the ...


OAG Coronavirus Update - Week Thirty-Eight 32,000 Professionals Furloughed As Capacity Stabilises

In the week that some 32,000 aviation professionals’ careers were placed at ...


Transatlantic Turmoil Potential US$10 Billion Risk Looming

At this time of year many scheduled airlines are normally smiling. The Summer ...


OAG Coronavirus Update - Week Thirty-Seven Signs of a Golden Week For Aviation Although We’ve Broken The Billion Lost Seats Mark

This is the week when the one billion mark occurred; since the 20th January we ...


US Majors Heading for a Thanksgiving Roasting

Throughout 2020 scheduled airlines have been looking for glimmers of hope in a ...


OAG Coronavirus Update - Week Thirty-Six When Everyone Went Nowhere

In the week that Qantas introduced flights to nowhere that sold out in ten ...


London’s Airports Battle for Premier League Positions

Changing Strategies for the New Normal World There are few cities in the world ...


OAG Coronavirus Update - Week Thirty-Five Waving Goodbye to The Recovery

The increasing fear, or indeed reality of a second wave of Covid-19 in the last ...


OAG Coronavirus Update - Week Thirty-Four Probably 15 Million Seats to Be Cut Before Month End

The first full week of September capacity follows the recent trend and we are ...


OAG Coronavirus Update - Week Thirty-Three Summer Continues to Slip Away

There is an autumnal feel to the weather in Northern Europe at the moment and ...


OAG Coronavirus Update - Week Thirty-Two - A Worrying Trend Developing

It was the peak! This week’s latest scheduled capacity data shows a further ...


OAG Coronavirus Update - Week Thirty-One Airline Network Planners Take a Holiday

Network planners are on holiday this week. With only a 67,000 change in global ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Thirty Have We Just Peaked?

We may not have realised it at the time and it certainly didn’t feel that ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty-Nine Sixty Million Mark Reached, Halfway Back - But Only Just

With one of the world’s largest airlines making nearly 800 schedule changes in ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty-Eight - UK Holidaymakers Stranded In Spain As Global Capacity Grows

Global capacity continues to creep forward was this week’s planned headline; ...


Queen of the Skies: End of an era for British Airways and 747

British Airways Follows Others Iconic, much loved, instantly recognised, the ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty-Seven Steady As She Goes But Worrying Early Winter Indicators

A steady 3.5% growth in capacity takes us to just under 56 million seats this ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty Six - Halfway There - 50 Million Breakthrough Moment

Last week we were very close, this week we have broken through the 50 million ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty Five Capacity Edges Forward Towards 50 Million

One thing COVID-19 has taught us is not to be greedy, an industry virtually ...


Transatlantic Traumas

The $40 Billion Market That Remains Bugged For many airlines the Europe to ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty Four The Fastest Week of Recovery as Airlines Prepare for Summer

The first official week of Summer has resulted in the largest week on week ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty Three Beijing Spike Neutralises Growth Elsewhere

Week twenty-three of the Covid-19 crisis and the lowest week on week change in ...


Vietnam’s First Mover Opportunity

Early COVID-19 Action Appears to Pay Dividends


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty Two The United Kingdom’s Aviation Dream Is Over…

It’s over. The UK’s aviation dream was broken this morning when U2 883 departed ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty One Look to the SouthWest For Capacity Growth

During two weeks in March, global capacity was falling at around three million ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Twenty Nearly Sixty Airlines Relaunch Services This Week

It’s been a good week for scheduled airline capacity with nearly sixty airlines ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Nineteen Everyone Is Waiting for June

At last a quiet week in terms of capacity changes; at least at the headline ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Eighteen Weekly Capacity Grows At One Of The Fastest Rates Ever

Its been a record breaking positive week for weekly capacity growth; we have ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Seventeen Looks Like We’ve Bottomed Out!

In some countries the number 111 is believed to bring bad luck. In cricket it ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – More Capacity Cuts but Also Growth in More Markets

Tracking the impact of COVID-19 suddenly got a lot harder this week, if it ...


The Empty Middle Seat: The Stuff of Dreams

There have been few pleasurable moments around a low-cost airline experience, ...


OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Fifteen Capacity Starting To Rebuild, Have We Reached The Bottom?

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    Hub Airports


    With a slightly smaller network, mass hub airports are still in themselves large and important creators of economic activity for both the local region and, in some cases, the whole country. Hub airports may handle fewer passengers per annum, have a slightly lower range of connecting destinations or flights per day, but are still well-established and popular connecting points. Examples of hub airports include Amsterdam, Munich, Madrid and, more recently, Tokyo Haneda. 


    Niche Hub Airports


    Geography prevents some airports from becoming larger hubs despite having a high proportion of connecting passengers. These airports become specialist transfer facilities for the local airline, while also creating some economic benefit. 


    Ultimately, passengers need to connect somewhere, at some point, as they travel and sometimes they may have a choice of which airport to use, or on other occasions may be limited to one particular airport due to available connections. All hub airports provide valuable connections, and some will continue to grow further in the coming years. Interestingly, some hub airports may not want to become Megahubs, happy to handle their current traffic and airline customers rather than be constrained by other factors. 


    Megahubs vs Hubs


    Having the world’s largest list of destinations but with only one flight a day to each would be impressive, but as in many things it is the combination of destination variety and flight frequency variables that differentiates the Megas from the Hubs. At OAG we recognize the distinction between a Megahub and a Hub by analysing the number of destinations served and the daily frequency to those destinations. 


    Discover OAG's latest report: Megahubs 2024


    Using OAG flight data from the 100 largest airports and the 100 largest international airports in the world, Megahubs 2024 analyses not only the total number of destinations served but also the number of scheduled connections to and from international flights with the number of destinations served from the airport. 


    Megahubs 2024 - Main Page Featured Image


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    It may come as a surprise that many trips require a connection through an airport to reach the final destination. While there is more than enough demand for flights between London and New York, a direct service between Norwich and New York is not economically feasible for any airline. Therefore, travellers must connect through an intermediate airport during their journey.


    Connecting passengers are an important part of business for both airports and airlines. Although short connecting passengers are less likely to spend significant amounts of money compared to local holidaymakers seeking a tax-free bargain before their trip, for airports the benefits, such as additional passenger fees, some modest non-aeronautical revenues, and the value of extra flights, make connecting traffic worthwhile. For airlines, connecting traffic can determine if a route is viable or not, and can even influence the frequency of flights; such as increasing from four to six flights a day.


    In this blog, we review some of the characteristics of different hubs, their connectivity, and how they have come to be classified.


    Megahub Airports


    At the top of the connecting market food chain are airports known as Megahubs, these include airports such as London Heathrow, Kuala Lumpur, Chicago O’Hare, Istanbul and Dubai. 


    These airports typically host large legacy airlines with extensive networks of short and long-haul flights connecting passengers from one continent to another. Often, these ‘base airlines’ are part of larger airline alliances, for example United Airlines, based at Chicago O’Hare, is part of Star Alliance and British Airways, based at London Heathrow, is with the OneWorld Alliance. 


    Traditionally these Megahub airports operate at near maximum capacity, with connecting passengers passing through the airport at all times of the day, and they are frequently expanding with new terminals and runways. The scale of a Megahub can vary, some may have flights to literally hundreds of destinations every day, while others may serve a smaller number of destinations but with a very high frequency. Once established, a Megahub airport becomes a fortress for local airlines, attracting more connecting passengers with every new flight added to the operation. For airlines, the ability to ultimately pick and choose from where they want to carry connecting traffic becomes a key part of their business strategy. 


    Hub Airports


    With a slightly smaller network, mass hub airports are still in themselves large and important creators of economic activity for both the local region and, in some cases, the whole country. Hub airports may handle fewer passengers per annum, have a slightly lower range of connecting destinations or flights per day, but are still well-established and popular connecting points. Examples of hub airports include Amsterdam, Munich, Madrid and, more recently, Tokyo Haneda. 


    Niche Hub Airports


    Geography prevents some airports from becoming larger hubs despite having a high proportion of connecting passengers. These airports become specialist transfer facilities for the local airline, while also creating some economic benefit. 


    Ultimately, passengers need to connect somewhere, at some point, as they travel and sometimes they may have a choice of which airport to use, or on other occasions may be limited to one particular airport due to available connections. All hub airports provide valuable connections, and some will continue to grow further in the coming years. Interestingly, some hub airports may not want to become Megahubs, happy to handle their current traffic and airline customers rather than be constrained by other factors. 


    Megahubs vs Hubs


    Having the world’s largest list of destinations but with only one flight a day to each would be impressive, but as in many things it is the combination of destination variety and flight frequency variables that differentiates the Megas from the Hubs. At OAG we recognize the distinction between a Megahub and a Hub by analysing the number of destinations served and the daily frequency to those destinations. 


    Discover OAG's latest report: Megahubs 2024


    Using OAG flight data from the 100 largest airports and the 100 largest international airports in the world, Megahubs 2024 analyses not only the total number of destinations served but also the number of scheduled connections to and from international flights with the number of destinations served from the airport. 


    Megahubs 2024 - Main Page Featured Image

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    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    It may come as a surprise that many trips require a connection through an airport to reach the final destination. While there is more than enough demand for flights between London and New York, a direct service between Norwich and New York is not economically feasible for any airline. Therefore, travellers must connect through an intermediate airport during their journey.


    Connecting passengers are an important part of business for both airports and airlines. Although short connecting passengers are less likely to spend significant amounts of money compared to local holidaymakers seeking a tax-free bargain before their trip, for airports the benefits, such as additional passenger fees, some modest non-aeronautical revenues, and the value of extra flights, make connecting traffic worthwhile. For airlines, connecting traffic can determine if a route is viable or not, and can even influence the frequency of flights; such as increasing from four to six flights a day.


    In this blog, we review some of the characteristics of different hubs, their connectivity, and how they have come to be classified.


    Megahub Airports


    At the top of the connecting market food chain are airports known as Megahubs, these include airports such as London Heathrow, Kuala Lumpur, Chicago O’Hare, Istanbul and Dubai. 


    These airports typically host large legacy airlines with extensive networks of short and long-haul flights connecting passengers from one continent to another. Often, these ‘base airlines’ are part of larger airline alliances, for example United Airlines, based at Chicago O’Hare, is part of Star Alliance and British Airways, based at London Heathrow, is with the OneWorld Alliance. 


    Traditionally these Megahub airports operate at near maximum capacity, with connecting passengers passing through the airport at all times of the day, and they are frequently expanding with new terminals and runways. The scale of a Megahub can vary, some may have flights to literally hundreds of destinations every day, while others may serve a smaller number of destinations but with a very high frequency. Once established, a Megahub airport becomes a fortress for local airlines, attracting more connecting passengers with every new flight added to the operation. For airlines, the ability to ultimately pick and choose from where they want to carry connecting traffic becomes a key part of their business strategy. 


    Hub Airports


    With a slightly smaller network, mass hub airports are still in themselves large and important creators of economic activity for both the local region and, in some cases, the whole country. Hub airports may handle fewer passengers per annum, have a slightly lower range of connecting destinations or flights per day, but are still well-established and popular connecting points. Examples of hub airports include Amsterdam, Munich, Madrid and, more recently, Tokyo Haneda. 


    Niche Hub Airports


    Geography prevents some airports from becoming larger hubs despite having a high proportion of connecting passengers. These airports become specialist transfer facilities for the local airline, while also creating some economic benefit. 


    Ultimately, passengers need to connect somewhere, at some point, as they travel and sometimes they may have a choice of which airport to use, or on other occasions may be limited to one particular airport due to available connections. All hub airports provide valuable connections, and some will continue to grow further in the coming years. Interestingly, some hub airports may not want to become Megahubs, happy to handle their current traffic and airline customers rather than be constrained by other factors. 


    Megahubs vs Hubs


    Having the world’s largest list of destinations but with only one flight a day to each would be impressive, but as in many things it is the combination of destination variety and flight frequency variables that differentiates the Megas from the Hubs. At OAG we recognize the distinction between a Megahub and a Hub by analysing the number of destinations served and the daily frequency to those destinations. 


    Discover OAG's latest report: Megahubs 2024


    Using OAG flight data from the 100 largest airports and the 100 largest international airports in the world, Megahubs 2024 analyses not only the total number of destinations served but also the number of scheduled connections to and from international flights with the number of destinations served from the airport. 


    Megahubs 2024 - Main Page Featured Image


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    It may come as a surprise that many trips require a connection through an airport to reach the final destination. While there is more than enough demand for flights between London and New York, a direct service between Norwich and New York is not economically feasible for any airline. Therefore, travellers must connect through an intermediate airport during their journey.


    Connecting passengers are an important part of business for both airports and airlines. Although short connecting passengers are less likely to spend significant amounts of money compared to local holidaymakers seeking a tax-free bargain before their trip, for airports the benefits, such as additional passenger fees, some modest non-aeronautical revenues, and the value of extra flights, make connecting traffic worthwhile. For airlines, connecting traffic can determine if a route is viable or not, and can even influence the frequency of flights; such as increasing from four to six flights a day.


    In this blog, we review some of the characteristics of different hubs, their connectivity, and how they have come to be classified.


    Megahub Airports


    At the top of the connecting market food chain are airports known as Megahubs, these include airports such as London Heathrow, Kuala Lumpur, Chicago O’Hare, Istanbul and Dubai. 


    These airports typically host large legacy airlines with extensive networks of short and long-haul flights connecting passengers from one continent to another. Often, these ‘base airlines’ are part of larger airline alliances, for example United Airlines, based at Chicago O’Hare, is part of Star Alliance and British Airways, based at London Heathrow, is with the OneWorld Alliance. 


    Traditionally these Megahub airports operate at near maximum capacity, with connecting passengers passing through the airport at all times of the day, and they are frequently expanding with new terminals and runways. The scale of a Megahub can vary, some may have flights to literally hundreds of destinations every day, while others may serve a smaller number of destinations but with a very high frequency. Once established, a Megahub airport becomes a fortress for local airlines, attracting more connecting passengers with every new flight added to the operation. For airlines, the ability to ultimately pick and choose from where they want to carry connecting traffic becomes a key part of their business strategy. 


    Hub Airports


    With a slightly smaller network, mass hub airports are still in themselves large and important creators of economic activity for both the local region and, in some cases, the whole country. Hub airports may handle fewer passengers per annum, have a slightly lower range of connecting destinations or flights per day, but are still well-established and popular connecting points. Examples of hub airports include Amsterdam, Munich, Madrid and, more recently, Tokyo Haneda. 


    Niche Hub Airports


    Geography prevents some airports from becoming larger hubs despite having a high proportion of connecting passengers. These airports become specialist transfer facilities for the local airline, while also creating some economic benefit. 


    Ultimately, passengers need to connect somewhere, at some point, as they travel and sometimes they may have a choice of which airport to use, or on other occasions may be limited to one particular airport due to available connections. All hub airports provide valuable connections, and some will continue to grow further in the coming years. Interestingly, some hub airports may not want to become Megahubs, happy to handle their current traffic and airline customers rather than be constrained by other factors. 


    Megahubs vs Hubs


    Having the world’s largest list of destinations but with only one flight a day to each would be impressive, but as in many things it is the combination of destination variety and flight frequency variables that differentiates the Megas from the Hubs. At OAG we recognize the distinction between a Megahub and a Hub by analysing the number of destinations served and the daily frequency to those destinations. 


    Discover OAG's latest report: Megahubs 2024


    Using OAG flight data from the 100 largest airports and the 100 largest international airports in the world, Megahubs 2024 analyses not only the total number of destinations served but also the number of scheduled connections to and from international flights with the number of destinations served from the airport. 


    Megahubs 2024 - Main Page Featured Image


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?

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    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?


    It may come as a surprise that many trips require a connection through an airport to reach the final destination. While there is more than enough demand for flights between London and New York, a direct service between Norwich and New York is not economically feasible for any airline. Therefore, travellers must connect through an intermediate airport during their journey.


    Connecting passengers are an important part of business for both airports and airlines. Although short connecting passengers are less likely to spend significant amounts of money compared to local holidaymakers seeking a tax-free bargain before their trip, for airports the benefits, such as additional passenger fees, some modest non-aeronautical revenues, and the value of extra flights, make connecting traffic worthwhile. For airlines, connecting traffic can determine if a route is viable or not, and can even influence the frequency of flights; such as increasing from four to six flights a day.


    In this blog, we review some of the characteristics of different hubs, their connectivity, and how they have come to be classified.


    Megahub Airports


    At the top of the connecting market food chain are airports known as Megahubs, these include airports such as London Heathrow, Kuala Lumpur, Chicago O’Hare, Istanbul and Dubai. 


    These airports typically host large legacy airlines with extensive networks of short and long-haul flights connecting passengers from one continent to another. Often, these ‘base airlines’ are part of larger airline alliances, for example United Airlines, based at Chicago O’Hare, is part of Star Alliance and British Airways, based at London Heathrow, is with the OneWorld Alliance. 


    Traditionally these Megahub airports operate at near maximum capacity, with connecting passengers passing through the airport at all times of the day, and they are frequently expanding with new terminals and runways. The scale of a Megahub can vary, some may have flights to literally hundreds of destinations every day, while others may serve a smaller number of destinations but with a very high frequency. Once established, a Megahub airport becomes a fortress for local airlines, attracting more connecting passengers with every new flight added to the operation. For airlines, the ability to ultimately pick and choose from where they want to carry connecting traffic becomes a key part of their business strategy. 


    Hub Airports


    With a slightly smaller network, mass hub airports are still in themselves large and important creators of economic activity for both the local region and, in some cases, the whole country. Hub airports may handle fewer passengers per annum, have a slightly lower range of connecting destinations or flights per day, but are still well-established and popular connecting points. Examples of hub airports include Amsterdam, Munich, Madrid and, more recently, Tokyo Haneda. 


    Niche Hub Airports


    Geography prevents some airports from becoming larger hubs despite having a high proportion of connecting passengers. These airports become specialist transfer facilities for the local airline, while also creating some economic benefit. 


    Ultimately, passengers need to connect somewhere, at some point, as they travel and sometimes they may have a choice of which airport to use, or on other occasions may be limited to one particular airport due to available connections. All hub airports provide valuable connections, and some will continue to grow further in the coming years. Interestingly, some hub airports may not want to become Megahubs, happy to handle their current traffic and airline customers rather than be constrained by other factors. 


    Megahubs vs Hubs


    Having the world’s largest list of destinations but with only one flight a day to each would be impressive, but as in many things it is the combination of destination variety and flight frequency variables that differentiates the Megas from the Hubs. At OAG we recognize the distinction between a Megahub and a Hub by analysing the number of destinations served and the daily frequency to those destinations. 


    Discover OAG's latest report: Megahubs 2024


    Using OAG flight data from the 100 largest airports and the 100 largest international airports in the world, Megahubs 2024 analyses not only the total number of destinations served but also the number of scheduled connections to and from international flights with the number of destinations served from the airport. 


    Megahubs 2024 - Main Page Featured Image


    Not all airports are the same, and in the world of large airports it’s common to describe every airport as a ‘hub’, regardless of its size, the airlines operating from it, and the types of passengers it serves. But is this accurate? What is the difference between a megahub, a hub and a niche airport?

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    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    In this August edition, we spotlight exciting innovations that are enhancing operational efficiencies and enriching the passenger experience across the airline industry. Specifically, we feature one tech company, one airline, and one airport that are leading the charge, employing cutting-edge solutions to refine several pre-boarding aspects of air travel. Consider this edition a dedicated ancillary and distribution snapshot.


    This focus is particularly relevant as we approach the tail end of a busy summer season, during which the demand for smoother, more efficient travel experiences has been greater than ever.


    As we delve into the advancements showcased in this edition, we see clear evidence of the industry's commitment to leveraging innovative technologies and data to streamline operations and enhance the overall travel experience.


    Innovation #1: Fareportal Enhances Seat Selection with New ATPCO Integration




    Fareportal, the New York-based travel technology company that operates online travel agencies (OTAs) like CheapOair and OneTravel, has become the first OTA to integrate ATPCO’s Routehappy’s brand-new “seat information” content. This integration enhances how airlines and online booking platforms display seat maps during the booking process, enabling the display of highly targeted visuals that showcase the specific seats selected by flight shoppers.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    This innovation has the potential to significantly enhance the air travel booking process for millions of travelers, particularly because ATPCO connects to most major OTAs, including Skyscanner, as well as airline websites. This enhancement is crucial at a time when many travelers experience frustration with the online booking process. As highlighted in our Flight Booking Deep Dive, nearly half of all travelers find the current booking process stressful and nerve-wracking. For travelers, this innovation means gaining access to better information at the point of booking, enabling them to make more informed decisions.


    The benefits to airlines are equally compelling. By presenting richer content, including images and detailed seat maps, Fareportal, through ATPCO’s technology, enables airlines to more effectively communicate the advantages of different seating options, helping to differentiate their offerings in a highly competitive industry. This is particularly valuable for airlines that have recently launched new cabin layouts, such as Lufthansa with its Allegris Business Class. For these airlines, the innovation represents a substantial opportunity to increase ancillary revenue by effectively \"selling\" enhanced seating that is challenging to promote without a clear visual representation of its distinct advantages over standard aircraft seats.


    This dual benefit underscores the potential of this innovation to transform how airline products are marketed and purchased online, potentially setting a new standard in the online customer experience.


    GET YOUR WEEK OFF TO A FLYING START Receive a weekly digest packed full of our latest aviation insights and analysis.


    Innovation #2: United Airlines' Automatic Seat Upgrade Feature




    United Airlines has introduced a new app feature that significantly enhances passenger convenience by automatically moving travelers to their preferred seat type if it becomes available before departure.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    Several factors make this innovation particularly noteworthy:

    1. This feature exemplifies how a seemingly small enhancement can significantly increase travel satisfaction. United is the first and only U.S. airline to offer such a seat preference feature directly within its app, setting it apart from competitors.
    2. \n
    3. By integrating this feature into its mobile app, United provides an easy incentive for travelers to use the app, thereby improving customer engagement and establishing more direct touchpoints with passengers.
    4. \n
    5. Typically, airlines generate additional revenue through advance seat reservations. By potentially foregoing some of this revenue to automatically upgrade seats at no extra cost, United prioritizes customer satisfaction over immediate financial gain. This strategy may enhance brand loyalty and customer retention, as it demonstrates a commitment to passenger comfort.
    6. \n

    The effectiveness and popularity of this feature support United’s strategy. In July alone, the carrier switched over 18,000 passengers - nearly 40% of eligible passengers - to their preferred seats. This high rate of utilization underscores the value and impact of the innovation, far from being a niche offering.


    Innovation #3: Hong Kong Airport’s Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service




    Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has introduced a pioneering Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service, marking an industry-first initiative that allows passengers to complete check-in and document scanning using their smartphones before even arriving at the airport. 


    This innovative service makes HKIA the only airport globally where all departure procedures can be fully completed in self-service mode using smartphones and facial recognition technology.


    Here's how it works: 


    Why does this innovation stand out?

    1. Firstly, the service offers significant efficiency gains and time savings. According to HKIA, this innovative process reduces the average processing time from three minutes to less than one minute. Achieving such efficiency without the need for human intervention from airline employees streamlines operations significantly.
    2. \n
    3. Secondly, the service alleviates pressure on traditionally congested areas such as check-in and baggage drop points, particularly during peak travel periods. This enhancement helps avoid operational chaos and addresses workforce shortages, thereby improving both operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction.
    4. \n
    5. Lastly, this service is part of a broader trend where airports globally are adopting digital solutions to enhance efficiency. Similar to Aeroporti di Roma’s Smart Boarding Initiative mentioned in our June edition or Zurich’s AI security scanners from our July edition, HKIA’s service provides a glimpse into a future where airport experiences are more seamless and frictionless—a long-sought goal by travelers worldwide.
    6. \n

    Concluding August’s Innovations


    This month's spotlight on transformative innovations in airline and airport operations underscores a significant movement towards more efficient and passenger-centric travel experiences.


    For more insights into how cutting-edge technology and strategic innovation are continuously reshaping the landscape of air travel, don't miss our latest report, \"The Future of the Airline Passenger Experience.\" 


    MEGAHUBS 2024   The definitive ranking of the world's most connected airports  




    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    In this August edition, we spotlight exciting innovations that are enhancing operational efficiencies and enriching the passenger experience across the airline industry. Specifically, we feature one tech company, one airline, and one airport that are leading the charge, employing cutting-edge solutions to refine several pre-boarding aspects of air travel. Consider this edition a dedicated ancillary and distribution snapshot.


    This focus is particularly relevant as we approach the tail end of a busy summer season, during which the demand for smoother, more efficient travel experiences has been greater than ever.


    As we delve into the advancements showcased in this edition, we see clear evidence of the industry's commitment to leveraging innovative technologies and data to streamline operations and enhance the overall travel experience.


    Innovation #1: Fareportal Enhances Seat Selection with New ATPCO Integration




    Fareportal, the New York-based travel technology company that operates online travel agencies (OTAs) like CheapOair and OneTravel, has become the first OTA to integrate ATPCO’s Routehappy’s brand-new “seat information” content. This integration enhances how airlines and online booking platforms display seat maps during the booking process, enabling the display of highly targeted visuals that showcase the specific seats selected by flight shoppers.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    This innovation has the potential to significantly enhance the air travel booking process for millions of travelers, particularly because ATPCO connects to most major OTAs, including Skyscanner, as well as airline websites. This enhancement is crucial at a time when many travelers experience frustration with the online booking process. As highlighted in our Flight Booking Deep Dive, nearly half of all travelers find the current booking process stressful and nerve-wracking. For travelers, this innovation means gaining access to better information at the point of booking, enabling them to make more informed decisions.


    The benefits to airlines are equally compelling. By presenting richer content, including images and detailed seat maps, Fareportal, through ATPCO’s technology, enables airlines to more effectively communicate the advantages of different seating options, helping to differentiate their offerings in a highly competitive industry. This is particularly valuable for airlines that have recently launched new cabin layouts, such as Lufthansa with its Allegris Business Class. For these airlines, the innovation represents a substantial opportunity to increase ancillary revenue by effectively \"selling\" enhanced seating that is challenging to promote without a clear visual representation of its distinct advantages over standard aircraft seats.


    This dual benefit underscores the potential of this innovation to transform how airline products are marketed and purchased online, potentially setting a new standard in the online customer experience.


    GET YOUR WEEK OFF TO A FLYING START Receive a weekly digest packed full of our latest aviation insights and analysis.


    Innovation #2: United Airlines' Automatic Seat Upgrade Feature




    United Airlines has introduced a new app feature that significantly enhances passenger convenience by automatically moving travelers to their preferred seat type if it becomes available before departure.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    Several factors make this innovation particularly noteworthy:

    1. This feature exemplifies how a seemingly small enhancement can significantly increase travel satisfaction. United is the first and only U.S. airline to offer such a seat preference feature directly within its app, setting it apart from competitors.
    2. \n
    3. By integrating this feature into its mobile app, United provides an easy incentive for travelers to use the app, thereby improving customer engagement and establishing more direct touchpoints with passengers.
    4. \n
    5. Typically, airlines generate additional revenue through advance seat reservations. By potentially foregoing some of this revenue to automatically upgrade seats at no extra cost, United prioritizes customer satisfaction over immediate financial gain. This strategy may enhance brand loyalty and customer retention, as it demonstrates a commitment to passenger comfort.
    6. \n

    The effectiveness and popularity of this feature support United’s strategy. In July alone, the carrier switched over 18,000 passengers - nearly 40% of eligible passengers - to their preferred seats. This high rate of utilization underscores the value and impact of the innovation, far from being a niche offering.


    Innovation #3: Hong Kong Airport’s Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service




    Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has introduced a pioneering Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service, marking an industry-first initiative that allows passengers to complete check-in and document scanning using their smartphones before even arriving at the airport. 


    This innovative service makes HKIA the only airport globally where all departure procedures can be fully completed in self-service mode using smartphones and facial recognition technology.


    Here's how it works: 


    Why does this innovation stand out?

    1. Firstly, the service offers significant efficiency gains and time savings. According to HKIA, this innovative process reduces the average processing time from three minutes to less than one minute. Achieving such efficiency without the need for human intervention from airline employees streamlines operations significantly.
    2. \n
    3. Secondly, the service alleviates pressure on traditionally congested areas such as check-in and baggage drop points, particularly during peak travel periods. This enhancement helps avoid operational chaos and addresses workforce shortages, thereby improving both operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction.
    4. \n
    5. Lastly, this service is part of a broader trend where airports globally are adopting digital solutions to enhance efficiency. Similar to Aeroporti di Roma’s Smart Boarding Initiative mentioned in our June edition or Zurich’s AI security scanners from our July edition, HKIA’s service provides a glimpse into a future where airport experiences are more seamless and frictionless—a long-sought goal by travelers worldwide.
    6. \n

    Concluding August’s Innovations


    This month's spotlight on transformative innovations in airline and airport operations underscores a significant movement towards more efficient and passenger-centric travel experiences.


    For more insights into how cutting-edge technology and strategic innovation are continuously reshaping the landscape of air travel, don't miss our latest report, \"The Future of the Airline Passenger Experience.\" 


    MEGAHUBS 2024   The definitive ranking of the world's most connected airports  




    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.

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    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    In this August edition, we spotlight exciting innovations that are enhancing operational efficiencies and enriching the passenger experience across the airline industry. Specifically, we feature one tech company, one airline, and one airport that are leading the charge, employing cutting-edge solutions to refine several pre-boarding aspects of air travel. Consider this edition a dedicated ancillary and distribution snapshot.


    This focus is particularly relevant as we approach the tail end of a busy summer season, during which the demand for smoother, more efficient travel experiences has been greater than ever.


    As we delve into the advancements showcased in this edition, we see clear evidence of the industry's commitment to leveraging innovative technologies and data to streamline operations and enhance the overall travel experience.


    Innovation #1: Fareportal Enhances Seat Selection with New ATPCO Integration




    Fareportal, the New York-based travel technology company that operates online travel agencies (OTAs) like CheapOair and OneTravel, has become the first OTA to integrate ATPCO’s Routehappy’s brand-new “seat information” content. This integration enhances how airlines and online booking platforms display seat maps during the booking process, enabling the display of highly targeted visuals that showcase the specific seats selected by flight shoppers.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    This innovation has the potential to significantly enhance the air travel booking process for millions of travelers, particularly because ATPCO connects to most major OTAs, including Skyscanner, as well as airline websites. This enhancement is crucial at a time when many travelers experience frustration with the online booking process. As highlighted in our Flight Booking Deep Dive, nearly half of all travelers find the current booking process stressful and nerve-wracking. For travelers, this innovation means gaining access to better information at the point of booking, enabling them to make more informed decisions.


    The benefits to airlines are equally compelling. By presenting richer content, including images and detailed seat maps, Fareportal, through ATPCO’s technology, enables airlines to more effectively communicate the advantages of different seating options, helping to differentiate their offerings in a highly competitive industry. This is particularly valuable for airlines that have recently launched new cabin layouts, such as Lufthansa with its Allegris Business Class. For these airlines, the innovation represents a substantial opportunity to increase ancillary revenue by effectively \"selling\" enhanced seating that is challenging to promote without a clear visual representation of its distinct advantages over standard aircraft seats.


    This dual benefit underscores the potential of this innovation to transform how airline products are marketed and purchased online, potentially setting a new standard in the online customer experience.


    GET YOUR WEEK OFF TO A FLYING START Receive a weekly digest packed full of our latest aviation insights and analysis.


    Innovation #2: United Airlines' Automatic Seat Upgrade Feature




    United Airlines has introduced a new app feature that significantly enhances passenger convenience by automatically moving travelers to their preferred seat type if it becomes available before departure.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    Several factors make this innovation particularly noteworthy:

    1. This feature exemplifies how a seemingly small enhancement can significantly increase travel satisfaction. United is the first and only U.S. airline to offer such a seat preference feature directly within its app, setting it apart from competitors.
    2. \n
    3. By integrating this feature into its mobile app, United provides an easy incentive for travelers to use the app, thereby improving customer engagement and establishing more direct touchpoints with passengers.
    4. \n
    5. Typically, airlines generate additional revenue through advance seat reservations. By potentially foregoing some of this revenue to automatically upgrade seats at no extra cost, United prioritizes customer satisfaction over immediate financial gain. This strategy may enhance brand loyalty and customer retention, as it demonstrates a commitment to passenger comfort.
    6. \n

    The effectiveness and popularity of this feature support United’s strategy. In July alone, the carrier switched over 18,000 passengers - nearly 40% of eligible passengers - to their preferred seats. This high rate of utilization underscores the value and impact of the innovation, far from being a niche offering.


    Innovation #3: Hong Kong Airport’s Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service




    Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has introduced a pioneering Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service, marking an industry-first initiative that allows passengers to complete check-in and document scanning using their smartphones before even arriving at the airport. 


    This innovative service makes HKIA the only airport globally where all departure procedures can be fully completed in self-service mode using smartphones and facial recognition technology.


    Here's how it works: 


    Why does this innovation stand out?

    1. Firstly, the service offers significant efficiency gains and time savings. According to HKIA, this innovative process reduces the average processing time from three minutes to less than one minute. Achieving such efficiency without the need for human intervention from airline employees streamlines operations significantly.
    2. \n
    3. Secondly, the service alleviates pressure on traditionally congested areas such as check-in and baggage drop points, particularly during peak travel periods. This enhancement helps avoid operational chaos and addresses workforce shortages, thereby improving both operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction.
    4. \n
    5. Lastly, this service is part of a broader trend where airports globally are adopting digital solutions to enhance efficiency. Similar to Aeroporti di Roma’s Smart Boarding Initiative mentioned in our June edition or Zurich’s AI security scanners from our July edition, HKIA’s service provides a glimpse into a future where airport experiences are more seamless and frictionless—a long-sought goal by travelers worldwide.
    6. \n

    Concluding August’s Innovations


    This month's spotlight on transformative innovations in airline and airport operations underscores a significant movement towards more efficient and passenger-centric travel experiences.


    For more insights into how cutting-edge technology and strategic innovation are continuously reshaping the landscape of air travel, don't miss our latest report, \"The Future of the Airline Passenger Experience.\" 


    MEGAHUBS 2024   The definitive ranking of the world's most connected airports  




    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    In this August edition, we spotlight exciting innovations that are enhancing operational efficiencies and enriching the passenger experience across the airline industry. Specifically, we feature one tech company, one airline, and one airport that are leading the charge, employing cutting-edge solutions to refine several pre-boarding aspects of air travel. Consider this edition a dedicated ancillary and distribution snapshot.


    This focus is particularly relevant as we approach the tail end of a busy summer season, during which the demand for smoother, more efficient travel experiences has been greater than ever.


    As we delve into the advancements showcased in this edition, we see clear evidence of the industry's commitment to leveraging innovative technologies and data to streamline operations and enhance the overall travel experience.


    Innovation #1: Fareportal Enhances Seat Selection with New ATPCO Integration




    Fareportal, the New York-based travel technology company that operates online travel agencies (OTAs) like CheapOair and OneTravel, has become the first OTA to integrate ATPCO’s Routehappy’s brand-new “seat information” content. This integration enhances how airlines and online booking platforms display seat maps during the booking process, enabling the display of highly targeted visuals that showcase the specific seats selected by flight shoppers.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    This innovation has the potential to significantly enhance the air travel booking process for millions of travelers, particularly because ATPCO connects to most major OTAs, including Skyscanner, as well as airline websites. This enhancement is crucial at a time when many travelers experience frustration with the online booking process. As highlighted in our Flight Booking Deep Dive, nearly half of all travelers find the current booking process stressful and nerve-wracking. For travelers, this innovation means gaining access to better information at the point of booking, enabling them to make more informed decisions.


    The benefits to airlines are equally compelling. By presenting richer content, including images and detailed seat maps, Fareportal, through ATPCO’s technology, enables airlines to more effectively communicate the advantages of different seating options, helping to differentiate their offerings in a highly competitive industry. This is particularly valuable for airlines that have recently launched new cabin layouts, such as Lufthansa with its Allegris Business Class. For these airlines, the innovation represents a substantial opportunity to increase ancillary revenue by effectively \"selling\" enhanced seating that is challenging to promote without a clear visual representation of its distinct advantages over standard aircraft seats.


    This dual benefit underscores the potential of this innovation to transform how airline products are marketed and purchased online, potentially setting a new standard in the online customer experience.


    GET YOUR WEEK OFF TO A FLYING START Receive a weekly digest packed full of our latest aviation insights and analysis.


    Innovation #2: United Airlines' Automatic Seat Upgrade Feature




    United Airlines has introduced a new app feature that significantly enhances passenger convenience by automatically moving travelers to their preferred seat type if it becomes available before departure.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    Several factors make this innovation particularly noteworthy:

    1. This feature exemplifies how a seemingly small enhancement can significantly increase travel satisfaction. United is the first and only U.S. airline to offer such a seat preference feature directly within its app, setting it apart from competitors.
    2. \n
    3. By integrating this feature into its mobile app, United provides an easy incentive for travelers to use the app, thereby improving customer engagement and establishing more direct touchpoints with passengers.
    4. \n
    5. Typically, airlines generate additional revenue through advance seat reservations. By potentially foregoing some of this revenue to automatically upgrade seats at no extra cost, United prioritizes customer satisfaction over immediate financial gain. This strategy may enhance brand loyalty and customer retention, as it demonstrates a commitment to passenger comfort.
    6. \n

    The effectiveness and popularity of this feature support United’s strategy. In July alone, the carrier switched over 18,000 passengers - nearly 40% of eligible passengers - to their preferred seats. This high rate of utilization underscores the value and impact of the innovation, far from being a niche offering.


    Innovation #3: Hong Kong Airport’s Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service




    Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has introduced a pioneering Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service, marking an industry-first initiative that allows passengers to complete check-in and document scanning using their smartphones before even arriving at the airport. 


    This innovative service makes HKIA the only airport globally where all departure procedures can be fully completed in self-service mode using smartphones and facial recognition technology.


    Here's how it works: 


    Why does this innovation stand out?

    1. Firstly, the service offers significant efficiency gains and time savings. According to HKIA, this innovative process reduces the average processing time from three minutes to less than one minute. Achieving such efficiency without the need for human intervention from airline employees streamlines operations significantly.
    2. \n
    3. Secondly, the service alleviates pressure on traditionally congested areas such as check-in and baggage drop points, particularly during peak travel periods. This enhancement helps avoid operational chaos and addresses workforce shortages, thereby improving both operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction.
    4. \n
    5. Lastly, this service is part of a broader trend where airports globally are adopting digital solutions to enhance efficiency. Similar to Aeroporti di Roma’s Smart Boarding Initiative mentioned in our June edition or Zurich’s AI security scanners from our July edition, HKIA’s service provides a glimpse into a future where airport experiences are more seamless and frictionless—a long-sought goal by travelers worldwide.
    6. \n

    Concluding August’s Innovations


    This month's spotlight on transformative innovations in airline and airport operations underscores a significant movement towards more efficient and passenger-centric travel experiences.


    For more insights into how cutting-edge technology and strategic innovation are continuously reshaping the landscape of air travel, don't miss our latest report, \"The Future of the Airline Passenger Experience.\" 


    MEGAHUBS 2024   The definitive ranking of the world's most connected airports  




    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.

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    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.


    In this August edition, we spotlight exciting innovations that are enhancing operational efficiencies and enriching the passenger experience across the airline industry. Specifically, we feature one tech company, one airline, and one airport that are leading the charge, employing cutting-edge solutions to refine several pre-boarding aspects of air travel. Consider this edition a dedicated ancillary and distribution snapshot.


    This focus is particularly relevant as we approach the tail end of a busy summer season, during which the demand for smoother, more efficient travel experiences has been greater than ever.


    As we delve into the advancements showcased in this edition, we see clear evidence of the industry's commitment to leveraging innovative technologies and data to streamline operations and enhance the overall travel experience.


    Innovation #1: Fareportal Enhances Seat Selection with New ATPCO Integration




    Fareportal, the New York-based travel technology company that operates online travel agencies (OTAs) like CheapOair and OneTravel, has become the first OTA to integrate ATPCO’s Routehappy’s brand-new “seat information” content. This integration enhances how airlines and online booking platforms display seat maps during the booking process, enabling the display of highly targeted visuals that showcase the specific seats selected by flight shoppers.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    This innovation has the potential to significantly enhance the air travel booking process for millions of travelers, particularly because ATPCO connects to most major OTAs, including Skyscanner, as well as airline websites. This enhancement is crucial at a time when many travelers experience frustration with the online booking process. As highlighted in our Flight Booking Deep Dive, nearly half of all travelers find the current booking process stressful and nerve-wracking. For travelers, this innovation means gaining access to better information at the point of booking, enabling them to make more informed decisions.


    The benefits to airlines are equally compelling. By presenting richer content, including images and detailed seat maps, Fareportal, through ATPCO’s technology, enables airlines to more effectively communicate the advantages of different seating options, helping to differentiate their offerings in a highly competitive industry. This is particularly valuable for airlines that have recently launched new cabin layouts, such as Lufthansa with its Allegris Business Class. For these airlines, the innovation represents a substantial opportunity to increase ancillary revenue by effectively \"selling\" enhanced seating that is challenging to promote without a clear visual representation of its distinct advantages over standard aircraft seats.


    This dual benefit underscores the potential of this innovation to transform how airline products are marketed and purchased online, potentially setting a new standard in the online customer experience.


    GET YOUR WEEK OFF TO A FLYING START Receive a weekly digest packed full of our latest aviation insights and analysis.


    Innovation #2: United Airlines' Automatic Seat Upgrade Feature




    United Airlines has introduced a new app feature that significantly enhances passenger convenience by automatically moving travelers to their preferred seat type if it becomes available before departure.


    Here's how it works:


    Why does this innovation stand out?


    Several factors make this innovation particularly noteworthy:

    1. This feature exemplifies how a seemingly small enhancement can significantly increase travel satisfaction. United is the first and only U.S. airline to offer such a seat preference feature directly within its app, setting it apart from competitors.
    2. \n
    3. By integrating this feature into its mobile app, United provides an easy incentive for travelers to use the app, thereby improving customer engagement and establishing more direct touchpoints with passengers.
    4. \n
    5. Typically, airlines generate additional revenue through advance seat reservations. By potentially foregoing some of this revenue to automatically upgrade seats at no extra cost, United prioritizes customer satisfaction over immediate financial gain. This strategy may enhance brand loyalty and customer retention, as it demonstrates a commitment to passenger comfort.
    6. \n

    The effectiveness and popularity of this feature support United’s strategy. In July alone, the carrier switched over 18,000 passengers - nearly 40% of eligible passengers - to their preferred seats. This high rate of utilization underscores the value and impact of the innovation, far from being a niche offering.


    Innovation #3: Hong Kong Airport’s Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service




    Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has introduced a pioneering Smartphone Express Bag Drop Service, marking an industry-first initiative that allows passengers to complete check-in and document scanning using their smartphones before even arriving at the airport. 


    This innovative service makes HKIA the only airport globally where all departure procedures can be fully completed in self-service mode using smartphones and facial recognition technology.


    Here's how it works: 


    Why does this innovation stand out?

    1. Firstly, the service offers significant efficiency gains and time savings. According to HKIA, this innovative process reduces the average processing time from three minutes to less than one minute. Achieving such efficiency without the need for human intervention from airline employees streamlines operations significantly.
    2. \n
    3. Secondly, the service alleviates pressure on traditionally congested areas such as check-in and baggage drop points, particularly during peak travel periods. This enhancement helps avoid operational chaos and addresses workforce shortages, thereby improving both operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction.
    4. \n
    5. Lastly, this service is part of a broader trend where airports globally are adopting digital solutions to enhance efficiency. Similar to Aeroporti di Roma’s Smart Boarding Initiative mentioned in our June edition or Zurich’s AI security scanners from our July edition, HKIA’s service provides a glimpse into a future where airport experiences are more seamless and frictionless—a long-sought goal by travelers worldwide.
    6. \n

    Concluding August’s Innovations


    This month's spotlight on transformative innovations in airline and airport operations underscores a significant movement towards more efficient and passenger-centric travel experiences.


    For more insights into how cutting-edge technology and strategic innovation are continuously reshaping the landscape of air travel, don't miss our latest report, \"The Future of the Airline Passenger Experience.\" 


    MEGAHUBS 2024   The definitive ranking of the world's most connected airports  




    The busy summer season is drawing to a close, but our exploration of the latest innovations in Airline Tech continues.

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    Things move fast in the world of aviation. Our aviation infographics of the month will quickly catch you up on some of the top stats and news stories.


    August is a busy time in the aviation industry so our infographics are perfect to get a quick overview of some of the 'biggest', 'busiest' and 'most' in the world of airlines and airports this month. Including:


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    Things move fast in the world of aviation. Our aviation infographics of the month will quickly catch you up on some of the top stats and news stories.


    August is a busy time in the aviation industry so our infographics are perfect to get a quick overview of some of the 'biggest', 'busiest' and 'most' in the world of airlines and airports this month. Including:


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    Things move fast in the world of aviation. Our aviation infographics of the month will quickly catch you up on some of the top stats and news stories.


    Things move fast in the world of aviation. Our aviation infographics of the month will quickly catch you up on some of the top stats and news stories.


    Things move fast in the world of aviation. Our aviation infographics of the month will quickly catch you up on some of the top stats and news stories.


    Things move fast in the world of aviation. Our aviation infographics of the month will quickly catch you up on some of the top stats and news stories.
