Status Event Samples - Flight Info Alerts

This page shows sample data of fictional as well as real flights for Status events.

Some helpful notes about the JSON data:

  • Some fields that have a blank value or do not have a value might not be delivered in the event at all. For example, if the flight has not physically arrived, the actual arrival time JSON object would not be included in the event. This is to reduce the size of each event and reduce bandwidth/transfer costs for our users.
  • Similar to the point above, it is recommended to assume that flights may not always have an IATA code for the carrier, ports, or equipment type. Because flight status data includes general aviation as well as unscheduled flights, even carrier code or flight number may not always be present in the event body; fallbacks are therefore necessary for almost all of the data fields with exceptions such as metadata like timestamps, flight types or documentType.

Marketing flight logic

The status data appears differently depending if the event in question is an update for a marketing flight, or an operating flight. Generally, updates for marketing flights are largely identifcal duplicates of updates for operating flights, because only updates are sent by the carrier for the operating flight. However, we will amend the data to make it clearer for our users what exactly they are looking at.

Let us use two fictional flights as an example: XX1, which is the operator, and YY2 and ZZ3, which are marketing flights codeshared on XX1.

If the event is for an operating flight number (XX1):

  • carrierCode= 'XX'
  • flightNumber=1
  • isOperating=true
  • scheduleInstanceKey value will be the schedules ID of the operating flight (XX1)
  • statusKey value will be the status ID of the operating flight (XX1)
  • codeshare>operatingFlight object would not appear
  • codeshare>marketingFlights will contain data for the marketing flights (YY2 and ZZ3)

If the event is for a marketing flight number (YY1):

  • carrierCode= 'YY'
  • flightNumber=2
  • isOperating=false
  • scheduleInstanceKey value will be the schedules ID of the marketing flight (YY1)
  • statusKey value will be the status ID of the operating flight (XX1)
  • codeshare>operatingFlight object will contain data for the operating flight (XX1)
  • codeshare>marketingFlights will contain data for other marketing flights (if there are more than one), except for the flight in question (YY1) as this data is duplicated in the event. Essentially, the data will show ZZ3.

Full (fictional) data sample with all JSON elements

The sample data is a fictional flight that contains all currently possible JSON data keys, except for change indicators. Please note that in reality, not all fields will appear e.g. arrival information will not appear if the flight is still in air. Seat information will also not be displayed for users who did not opt for seat capacity information.

  "documentType": "FlightStatus",
  "flightType": "Scheduled",
  "state": "OutGate",
  "serviceType": "J",
  "flightNumber": 1228,
  "carrierCode": {
    "iata": "ET",
    "icao": "ETH"
  "equipment": {
    "aircraftType": {
      "iata": "319",
      "icao": "A319"
    "aircraftRegistrationNumber": "VTSCH"
  "originationDate": {
    "local": "2023-07-16T00:00:00"
  "departure": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T20:45:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T15:15:00"
      "estimated": {
        "outGateTimeliness": "Delayed",
        "outGateVariation": "01:42:00",
        "outGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T12:05:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T17:05:00+00:00"
        "offGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T10:16:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T15:16:00+00:00"
      "actual": {
        "outGateTimeliness": "Early",
        "outGateVariation": "-00:02:00",
        "outGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T06:58:00-07:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T13:58:00+00:00"
        "offGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T07:07:00-07:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T14:07:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "TRV",
      "icao": "VOTV"
  "checkInCounter": "1",
"terminal: "1A",
"gate" : "A8"
  "arrival": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T23:05:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T17:35:00"
      "estimated": {
        "inGateTimeliness": "Early",
        "inGateVariation": "-00:23:00",
        "inGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T22:42:00+05:30",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T17:12:00+00:00"
        "onGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T22:35:00+05:30",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T17:05:00+00:00"
      "actual" : {
        "inGateTimeliness" : "Early",
        "inGateVariation" : "-00:20:00",
        "inGate" : {
          "local": "2023-07-16T22:45:00+05:30",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T17:15:00+00:00"
        "onGround" : {
          "local": "2023-07-16T22:38:00+05:30",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T17:08:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "BOM",
      "icao": "VABB"
"terminal" : "2"
"gate" : "B4",
"baggage" : "12"
  "seatingCapacity": {
    "firstClass": "0",
    "businessClass": "8",
    "premiumEconomyClass": "0",
    "economyPlusClass": "0",
    "economyClass": "114",
    "totalSeats": "122"
  "diversionAirport" : {
    "iata" : "SCL",
    "icao" : "SCEL",
    "faa"  : "CYQ"
  "messageTimestamp": "1689519524486",
  "messageId": "c22e2ac9-481c-4917-9913-33e22907a97c",
  "scheduleInstanceKey": "9baa07f1ff18cd07d29b03830135fc494d53de2b65f368b15fbceb6347117341",
  "statusKey": "53324db6fa94af0b768dbf9c82a972fe656bc93f909fa40e1a2773fff8d8eb2d",
  "isOperating": false,
  "codeshare": {
    "operatingFlight": {
      "scheduleInstanceKey": "55ccb80d74c1776326dd86a04e31e66a8ba22520529e0d00505b5d5daba5f57b",
      "flightNumber": 668,
      "carrierCode": {
        "iata": "AI",
        "icao": "AIC"
    "marketingFlights": [
        "scheduleInstanceKey": "c1d329f24fedd67c8d76e336f271373003dd94b6ff98a0991d2ce8b91cd0c8a0",
        "flightNumber": 5275,
        "carrierCode": {
          "iata": "LH",
          "icao": "DLH"
  "alertId": "c94672da-38c7-477d-9658-7ca43192f3de"

Change Indicators

If change indicators are enabled for your Alert(s), we will provide a "changes" JSON object within the event that indicates the field(s) that have changed from the previous update. There are 2 main types of changes:

  • Values for a fields that had no value/blank values in the previous update, and
  • Fields that has a different value from the previous update.

The format of the JSON that appears will follow this structure:

"propertyName" : "nameOfProperty"
"previousValue": "previous value of property"

Where the name of the property is based on the structure in the JSON. For example, diversionAirport>IATA will have the propertyName value of "DiversionAirport.Iata"

In the example below, the properties "State", "Arrival.Times.Estimated.OnGround.Local" and "Arrival.Times.Estimated.OnGround.UTC" had a previous value as indicated in the JSON. The new values will be what is currently displayed in the main JSON body. All the other fields within the changes JSON object that does not have a previousValue value means that it is newly introduced within the current update.

  "changes": [
      "propertyName": "State",
      "previousValue": "Scheduled"
      "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OutGateTimeliness"
      "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OutGateVariation"
      "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OutGate.Local"
      "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OutGate.UTC"
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.InGateTimeliness"
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.InGateVariation"
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.OnGround.Local",
      "previousValue": "2023-07-16T22:53:00+05:30"
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.OnGround.UTC",
      "previousValue": "2023-07-16T17:23:00+00:00"
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.InGate.Local"
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.InGate.UTC"

Here is a list of possible change indicator fields:

    "changes": [
        "propertyName": "State"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.AircraftType.Iata"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.AircraftType.Icao"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.AircraftRegistrationNumber"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Estimated.OutGateTimeliness"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Estimated.OutGateVariation"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Estimated.OutGate.Local"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Estimated.OutGate.UTC"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OutGateTimeliness"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OutGateVariation"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OutGate.Local"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OutGate.UTC"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OffGround.Local"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Times.Actual.OffGround.UTC"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Terminal"
        "propertyName": "Departure.Gate"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.OnGround.Local"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.OnGround.UTC"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.InGateTimeliness"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.InGateVariation"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.InGate.Local"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.InGate.UTC"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Actual.OnGround.Local"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Actual.OnGround.UTC"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Actual.InGateTimeliness"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Actual.InGateVariation"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Actual.InGate.Local"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Actual.InGate.UTC"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Baggage"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Terminal"
        "propertyName": "Arrival.Gate"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.Seats.FirstClass"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.Seats.BusinessClass"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.Seats.PremiumEconomyClass"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.Seats.EconomyPlusClass"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.Seats.EconomyClass"
        "propertyName": "Equipment.Seats.TotalSeats"


Scheduled state

  "documentType": "FlightStatus",
  "flightType": "Scheduled",
  "state": "Scheduled",
  "serviceType": "J",
  "flightNumber": 7276,
  "carrierCode": {
    "iata": "JL",
    "icao": "JAL"
  "equipment": {
    "aircraftType": {
      "iata": "321",
      "icao": "A321"
    "aircraftRegistrationNumber": "N976UY"
  "originationDate": {
    "local": "2023-07-16T00:00:00"
  "departure": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T10:23:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T15:23:00"
      "estimated": {
        "outGateTimeliness": "Delayed",
        "outGateVariation": "01:42:00",
        "outGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T12:05:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T17:05:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "DFW",
      "icao": "KDFW",
      "faa": "DFW"
    "terminal": "A",
    "gate": "A8"
  "arrival": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T13:42:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T17:42:00"
      "estimated": {
        "inGateTimeliness": "Delayed",
        "inGateVariation": "01:36:00",
        "inGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T15:18:00-04:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T19:18:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "ATL",
      "icao": "KATL",
      "faa": "ATL"
    "gate": "T12",
    "baggage": "8"
  "seatingCapacity": {
    "firstClass": "0",
    "businessClass": "20",
    "premiumEconomyClass": "0",
    "economyPlusClass": "35",
    "economyClass": "135",
    "totalSeats": "190"
  "changes": [
      "propertyName": "Departure.Gate",
      "previousValue": "A9"
  "messageTimestamp": "1689519525743",
  "messageId": "f79be92f-6191-42c9-bfb1-71c421090fd3",
  "scheduleInstanceKey": "a8bfa15010d5f0cb2ddfc052433c1e81756a8e81e4b58de31e60646618c6f286",
  "statusKey": "ff423c338534ddd9fc97d637bc2c37e96382c540b4d5ecf0830e25f6f6fad9fe",
  "isOperating": false,
  "codeshare": {
    "operatingFlight": {
      "scheduleInstanceKey": "0028fde69e230782099c0e8e95f00640f5970cbc2ce421739efe04f646c091f1",
      "flightNumber": 980,
      "carrierCode": {
        "iata": "AA",
        "icao": "AAL"
    "marketingFlights": [
        "scheduleInstanceKey": "73b4e2d0377a58addf49e4b07b555dd00710dab51a555a94366fb85edcbdf8b4",
        "flightNumber": 6372,
        "carrierCode": {
          "iata": "G3",
          "icao": "GLO"
  "alertId": "c94672da-38c7-477d-9658-7ca43192f3de"

Out Gate State

  "documentType": "FlightStatus",
  "flightType": "Scheduled",
  "state": "OutGate",
  "serviceType": "J",
  "flightNumber": 140,
  "carrierCode": {
    "iata": "AA",
    "icao": "AAL"
  "equipment": {
    "aircraftType": {
      "icao": "A319"
    "aircraftRegistrationNumber": "N724UW"
  "originationDate": {
    "local": "2023-07-16T00:00:00"
  "departure": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T09:12:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T14:12:00"
      "estimated": {
        "outGateTimeliness": "OnTime",
        "outGateVariation": "00:00:00",
        "outGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T09:12:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T14:12:00+00:00"
        "offGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T10:16:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T15:16:00+00:00"
      "actual": {
        "outGateTimeliness": "Early",
        "outGateVariation": "-00:10:00",
        "outGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T09:02:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T14:02:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "IAH",
      "icao": "KIAH",
      "faa": "IAH"
    "terminal": "A",
    "gate": "A27"
  "arrival": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T10:31:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T15:31:00"
      "estimated": {
        "inGateTimeliness": "Delayed",
        "inGateVariation": "00:38:00",
        "inGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T11:09:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T16:09:00+00:00"
        "onGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T10:53:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T15:53:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "DFW",
      "icao": "KDFW",
      "faa": "DFW"
    "terminal": "A",
    "gate": "A35",
    "baggage": "A29"
  "seatingCapacity": {
    "firstClass": "0",
    "businessClass": "8",
    "premiumEconomyClass": "0",
    "economyPlusClass": "24",
    "economyClass": "96",
    "totalSeats": "128"
  "changes": [
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Gate",
      "previousValue": "A37"
  "messageTimestamp": "1689519525246",
  "messageId": "d46d0438-62b5-4882-80d0-c6dccc5c6ec2",
  "scheduleInstanceKey": "e43321e5b6e14a1fde3820966a3f3eb18eaf3b28bdd154e4887a382d30bdb684",
  "statusKey": "5207421ea20dc5f61054d0c549a6c1bebf10572a4f8b095a5dc8c2ecd9967aa5",
  "isOperating": true,
  "codeshare": {
    "marketingFlights": [
        "scheduleInstanceKey": "d06fa3de5e813117cf46cf699aa3fee2685d8dce480029e116fd4d46124e3284",
        "flightNumber": 4115,
        "carrierCode": {
          "iata": "AS",
          "icao": "ASA"
        "scheduleInstanceKey": "e83971d549b0f35d649bd3547dc70168e644d0f48959972a325541c8867e0937",
        "flightNumber": 4566,
        "carrierCode": {
          "iata": "QF",
          "icao": "QFA"
  "alertId": "c94672da-38c7-477d-9658-7ca43192f3de"

In Air State

  "documentType": "FlightStatus",
  "flightType": "Scheduled",
  "state": "InAir",
  "serviceType": "J",
  "flightNumber": 4935,
  "carrierCode": {
    "iata": "VS",
    "icao": "VIR"
  "equipment": {
    "aircraftType": {
      "iata": "321",
      "icao": "A321"
    "aircraftRegistrationNumber": "N341DN"
  "originationDate": {
    "local": "2023-07-16T00:00:00"
  "departure": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T07:00:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T14:00:00"
      "estimated": {
        "outGateTimeliness": "OnTime",
        "outGateVariation": "00:00:00",
        "outGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T07:00:00-07:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T14:00:00+00:00"
      "actual": {
        "outGateTimeliness": "Early",
        "outGateVariation": "-00:02:00",
        "outGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T06:58:00-07:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T13:58:00+00:00"
        "offGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T07:07:00-07:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T14:07:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "PHX",
      "icao": "KPHX",
      "faa": "PHX"
    "terminal": "3",
    "gate": "F9"
  "arrival": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T13:44:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T17:44:00"
      "estimated": {
        "inGateTimeliness": "Early",
        "inGateVariation": "-00:24:00",
        "inGate": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T13:20:00-04:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T17:20:00+00:00"
        "onGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T13:23:00-04:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T17:23:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "ATL",
      "icao": "KATL",
      "faa": "ATL"
    "terminal": "S",
    "gate": "B25"
  "seatingCapacity": {
    "firstClass": "0",
    "businessClass": "20",
    "premiumEconomyClass": "0",
    "economyPlusClass": "29",
    "economyClass": "142",
    "totalSeats": "191"
  "changes": [
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.OnGround.Local",
      "previousValue": "2023-07-16T13:21:00-04:00"
      "propertyName": "Arrival.Times.Estimated.OnGround.UTC",
      "previousValue": "2023-07-16T17:21:00+00:00"
  "messageTimestamp": "1689519496673",
  "messageId": "28898fab-e852-4328-a9c9-8ccacd4ff5b9",
  "scheduleInstanceKey": "25ca33d6e52afbd3c4f62f8d1ef8cf93869bbce089dd8adee1143f2e24962870",
  "statusKey": "15a2fbefb1b11340ea7fb0f5bb299ed0ae92bf2460473cbfd21f46092e821749",
  "isOperating": false,
  "codeshare": {
    "operatingFlight": {
      "scheduleInstanceKey": "b4aae0653eddf28a9343716c72b7901c8a9ac59ac7f8b28eb9c3b59758c5943b",
      "flightNumber": 560,
      "carrierCode": {
        "iata": "DL",
        "icao": "DAL"
    "marketingFlights": [
        "scheduleInstanceKey": "1545fff309ec95ce271dba8cbc5bca9782ce18e409b940688f4043cf697cff01",
        "flightNumber": 3278,
        "carrierCode": {
          "iata": "AZ",
          "icao": "ITY"
        "scheduleInstanceKey": "29d188b86023c389130fc4d1ee8e305e0b0a885ba470c1e43aafd635618bc6ae",
        "flightNumber": 5071,
        "carrierCode": {
          "iata": "KL",
          "icao": "KLM"
        "scheduleInstanceKey": "65376b7e6cb1f237ce97d75e91bcc92c14c9e358ca7028e11b6813f58d3da4a0",
        "flightNumber": 7007,
        "carrierCode": {
          "iata": "LA",
          "icao": "LAN"
        "scheduleInstanceKey": "ea2df2c51c68b2fd2ee187fee016ab5ebbbd7acce3260d28e82893fe20aac021",
        "flightNumber": 8525,
        "carrierCode": {
          "iata": "AF",
          "icao": "AFR"
  "alertId": "c94672da-38c7-477d-9658-7ca43192f3de"

Landed State

  "documentType": "FlightStatus",
  "flightType": "Scheduled",
  "state": "Landed",
  "serviceType": "J",
  "flightNumber": 8844,
  "carrierCode": {
    "iata": "3U",
    "icao": "CSC"
  "equipment": {
    "aircraftType": {
      "iata": "320",
      "icao": "A320"
  "originationDate": {
    "local": "2023-07-16T00:00:00"
  "departure": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T21:00:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T13:00:00"
      "estimated": {
        "offGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T21:00:00+08:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T13:00:00+00:00"
      "actual": {
        "offGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T21:11:00+08:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T13:11:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "TYN",
      "icao": "ZBYN"
  "arrival": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-07-16T23:20:00",
        "utc": "2023-07-16T15:20:00"
      "estimated": {
        "onGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T23:05:00+08:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T15:05:00+00:00"
      "actual": {
        "onGround": {
          "local": "2023-07-16T22:56:00+08:00",
          "utc": "2023-07-16T14:56:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "CTU",
      "icao": "ZUUU"
  "messageTimestamp": "1689519524400",
  "messageId": "ab45037b-e9ff-4c34-9334-d83ef6a6c41c",
  "scheduleInstanceKey": "724d22b2f79b1bdf7423b7328f3a31a48dd0cef78e572ba5f9fb1b8c11d0a0b0",
  "statusKey": "7fb60abd32be3a14f64c3841512c52cd81d351fd07c2bd7994e57132352c6582",
  "isOperating": true,
  "alertId": "c94672da-38c7-477d-9658-7ca43192f3de"

In Gate State

  "documentType" : "FlightStatus",
  "state" : "InGate",
  "flightNumber" : 182,
  "carrierCode" : {
    "iata" : "BR",
    "icao" : "EVA"
  "equipment" : {
    "aircraftType" : {
      "iata" : "32X",
      "icao" : "A321"
    "aircraftRegistrationNumber" : "B16206"
  "originationDate" : {
    "local" : "2023-01-19T00:00:00"
  "departure" : {
    "times" : {
      "scheduled" : {
        "local" : "2023-01-19T07:05:00"
      "estimated" : {
        "outGateTimeliness" : "OnTime",
        "outGateVariation" : "00:00:00",
        "outGate" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-19T07:05:00+08:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-18T23:05:00+00:00"
      "actual" : {
        "outGateTimeliness" : "Early",
        "outGateVariation" : "-00:10:00",
        "outGate" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-19T06:55:00+08:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-18T22:55:00+00:00"
        "offGround" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-19T07:13:00+08:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-18T23:13:00+00:00"
    "airport" : {
      "iata" : "KHH",
      "icao" : "RCKH",
   "faa" : "CYQ"
    "terminal" : "I",
    "gate" : "32"
  "arrival" : {
    "times" : {
      "scheduled" : {
        "local" : "2023-01-19T10:55:00"
      "estimated" : {
        "inGateTimeliness" : "Early",
        "inGateVariation" : "-00:13:00",
        "inGate" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-19T10:42:00+09:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-19T01:42:00+00:00"
        "onGround" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-19T10:34:00+09:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-19T01:34:00+00:00"
      "actual" : {
        "inGateTimeliness" : "Early",
        "inGateVariation" : "-00:02:00",
        "inGate" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-19T10:53:00+09:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-19T01:53:00+00:00"
        "onGround" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-19T10:41:00+09:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-19T01:41:00+00:00"
    "airport" : {
      "iata" : "KIX",
      "icao" : "RJBB",
   "faa" : "CYQ"
    "terminal" : "T1",
    "gate" : "3"
  "messageTimestamp" : "1674093557391",
  "messageId" : "808959ff-8cca-412c-b9b1-976c30321c47",
 "scheduleInstanceKey" : "5d1092c568768278ac95518f05c6ab06d0947714acf79faecf485916bb5cc72e",
//Please note that operatingInstanceKey is due for deprecation.
"operatingInstanceKey" : "afcef41b9804865cb32dbcf6a4053abd5667c85c160d8932a4a82c515c0c1eef",
  "statusKey" : "3782956899859970181ab7d1cf0f3b7147bb12bd5d88ba3d95bd754e16a661fe",
  "isOperating" : false,
  "codeshare" : {
    "operatingFlight" : {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "afcef41b9804865cb32dbcf6a4053abd5667c85c160d8932a4a82c515c0c1eef",
      "flightNumber" : 198,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "AA",
        "icao" : "AAL"
    "marketingFlights" : [ {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "0573bc04c69d7219116c2e6e2539ca8e4cbfb22524adc244e5ceaa59642df5df",
      "flightNumber" : 8163,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "LY",
        "icao" : "ELY"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "94ac698d905df675cd0e7cc73248848e739e5299f1053ba00236ecb47b3d59af",
      "flightNumber" : 4488,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "B6",
        "icao" : "JBU"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "af1cd578525f17978754c8f706318d5d66ca6d476eb0da9b9ece01c1c8bb6d39",
      "flightNumber" : 5798,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "AY",
        "icao" : "FIN"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "e3f4861f179cc895d0dd7142ee0e7cc9ccf273c92455386e757f6c711b21702a",
      "flightNumber" : 1582,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "BA",
        "icao" : "BAW"
    } ]
 //Pleast note that marketingInstancesKeys is due for deprecation.
  "marketingInstancesKeys" : [ "0573bc04c69d7219116c2e6e2539ca8e4cbfb22524adc244e5ceaa59642df5df", "5d1092c568768278ac95518f05c6ab06d0947714acf79faecf485916bb5cc72e", "94ac698d905df675cd0e7cc73248848e739e5299f1053ba00236ecb47b3d59af", "af1cd578525f17978754c8f706318d5d66ca6d476eb0da9b9ece01c1c8bb6d39", "e3f4861f179cc895d0dd7142ee0e7cc9ccf273c92455386e757f6c711b21702a" ],
  "alertId" : "7adb68b6-c4f0-4743-a58a-b9a9c760bd48"

Flight Diversions

Please note that a flight diversion is not a state on its own. You may think of Diversions as a "sub-state", similar to delays. The reason diversions are not a state is because a flight may be diverted while In Air, and the 'actual' state would be In Air and not diverted. To recognize if a flight has been diverted, it is suggested that your application checks for the "diversionAirport" JSON node within the data.

  • If the "diversionAirport" node appears, the flight has been diverted.
  • The arrival datetime details of the diverted destination port will take over the estimated/actual OnGround and InGate values. However, we will maintain the original scheduled airport and datetimes for clarity.

In the example below, the data is showing that flight AA907 was scheduled to arrive on 2023-01-28 at 07:16 at EZE. However, because the diversionAirport object has appeared, this indicates that the flight was diverted. Therefore, the estimated arrival times that appear in the JSON data below (OnGround: 2023-01-28T06:32:00-03:00) are actually for the diverted port.

  "documentType" : "FlightStatus",
"state" : "InAir",
  "flightNumber" : 907,
  "carrierCode" : {
    "iata" : "AA",
    "icao" : "AAL"
  "equipment" : {
    "aircraftType" : {
      "iata" : "77W",
      "icao" : "B77W"
    "aircraftRegistrationNumber" : "N729AN"
  "originationDate" : {
    "local" : "2023-01-27T00:00:00"
  "departure" : {
    "times" : {
      "scheduled" : {
        "local" : "2023-01-27T20:10:00"
      "estimated" : {
        "outGateTimeliness" : "OnTime",
        "outGateVariation" : "00:00:00",
        "outGate" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-27T20:10:00-05:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-28T01:10:00+00:00"
      "actual" : {
        "outGateTimeliness" : "OnTime",
        "outGateVariation" : "00:00:00",
        "outGate" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-27T20:10:00-05:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-28T01:10:00+00:00"
        "offGround" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-27T20:32:00-05:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-28T01:32:00+00:00"
    "airport" : {
      "iata" : "MIA",
      "icao" : "KMIA",
   "faa" : "CYQ"
    "terminal" : "D",
    "gate" : "D28A"
  "arrival" : {
    "times" : {
      "scheduled" : {
        "local" : "2023-01-28T07:16:00"
      "estimated" : {
        "inGateTimeliness" : "Delayed",
        "inGateVariation" : "01:32:00",
        "inGate" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-28T08:48:00-03:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-28T11:48:00+00:00"
        "onGround" : {
          "local" : "2023-01-28T06:32:00-03:00",
          "utc" : "2023-01-28T09:32:00+00:00"
    "airport" : {
      "iata" : "EZE",
      "icao" : "SAEZ",
   "faa" : "CYQ"
  "diversionAirport" : {
    "iata" : "SCL",
    "icao" : "SCEL",
   "faa" : "CYQ"
  "messageTimestamp" : "1674903358468",
  "messageId" : "1e84dabf-8728-4756-9a7d-f1e6a551361c",
 "scheduleInstanceKey" : "5d1092c568768278ac95518f05c6ab06d0947714acf79faecf485916bb5cc72e",
//Please note that operatingInstanceKey is due for deprecation.
"operatingInstanceKey" : "afcef41b9804865cb32dbcf6a4053abd5667c85c160d8932a4a82c515c0c1eef",
  "statusKey" : "3782956899859970181ab7d1cf0f3b7147bb12bd5d88ba3d95bd754e16a661fe",
  "isOperating" : false,
  "codeshare" : {
    "operatingFlight" : {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "afcef41b9804865cb32dbcf6a4053abd5667c85c160d8932a4a82c515c0c1eef",
      "flightNumber" : 198,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "AA",
        "icao" : "AAL"
    "marketingFlights" : [ {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "0573bc04c69d7219116c2e6e2539ca8e4cbfb22524adc244e5ceaa59642df5df",
      "flightNumber" : 8163,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "LY",
        "icao" : "ELY"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "94ac698d905df675cd0e7cc73248848e739e5299f1053ba00236ecb47b3d59af",
      "flightNumber" : 4488,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "B6",
        "icao" : "JBU"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "af1cd578525f17978754c8f706318d5d66ca6d476eb0da9b9ece01c1c8bb6d39",
      "flightNumber" : 5798,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "AY",
        "icao" : "FIN"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "e3f4861f179cc895d0dd7142ee0e7cc9ccf273c92455386e757f6c711b21702a",
      "flightNumber" : 1582,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "BA",
        "icao" : "BAW"
    } ]
 //Pleast note that marketingInstancesKeys is due for deprecation.
  "marketingInstancesKeys" : [ "0573bc04c69d7219116c2e6e2539ca8e4cbfb22524adc244e5ceaa59642df5df", "5d1092c568768278ac95518f05c6ab06d0947714acf79faecf485916bb5cc72e", "94ac698d905df675cd0e7cc73248848e739e5299f1053ba00236ecb47b3d59af", "af1cd578525f17978754c8f706318d5d66ca6d476eb0da9b9ece01c1c8bb6d39", "e3f4861f179cc895d0dd7142ee0e7cc9ccf273c92455386e757f6c711b21702a" ],
  "alertId" : "7adb68b6-c4f0-4743-a58a-b9a9c760bd48"

Canceled State

  "documentType" : "FlightStatus",
  "state" : "Canceled",
  "flightNumber" : 635,
  "carrierCode" : {
    "iata" : "AI",
    "icao" : "AIC"
  "equipment" : {
    "aircraftType" : {
      "iata" : "32N",
      "icao" : "A20N"
  "originationDate" : {
    "local" : "2023-01-19T00:00:00"
  "departure" : {
    "times" : {
      "scheduled" : {
        "local" : "2023-01-19T07:20:00"
    "airport" : {
      "iata" : "BOM",
      "icao" : "VABB",
   "faa" : "CYQ"
  "arrival" : {
    "times" : {
      "scheduled" : {
        "local" : "2023-01-19T08:45:00"
    "airport" : {
      "iata" : "IDR",
      "icao" : "VAID",
 "faa" : "CYQ"
  "messageTimestamp" : "1674093616096",
 "scheduleInstanceKey" : "5d1092c568768278ac95518f05c6ab06d0947714acf79faecf485916bb5cc72e",
//Please note that operatingInstanceKey is due for deprecation.
"operatingInstanceKey" : "afcef41b9804865cb32dbcf6a4053abd5667c85c160d8932a4a82c515c0c1eef",
  "statusKey" : "3782956899859970181ab7d1cf0f3b7147bb12bd5d88ba3d95bd754e16a661fe",
  "isOperating" : false,
  "codeshare" : {
    "operatingFlight" : {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "afcef41b9804865cb32dbcf6a4053abd5667c85c160d8932a4a82c515c0c1eef",
      "flightNumber" : 198,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "AA",
        "icao" : "AAL"
    "marketingFlights" : [ {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "0573bc04c69d7219116c2e6e2539ca8e4cbfb22524adc244e5ceaa59642df5df",
      "flightNumber" : 8163,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "LY",
        "icao" : "ELY"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "94ac698d905df675cd0e7cc73248848e739e5299f1053ba00236ecb47b3d59af",
      "flightNumber" : 4488,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "B6",
        "icao" : "JBU"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "af1cd578525f17978754c8f706318d5d66ca6d476eb0da9b9ece01c1c8bb6d39",
      "flightNumber" : 5798,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "AY",
        "icao" : "FIN"
    }, {
      "scheduleInstanceKey" : "e3f4861f179cc895d0dd7142ee0e7cc9ccf273c92455386e757f6c711b21702a",
      "flightNumber" : 1582,
      "carrierCode" : {
        "iata" : "BA",
        "icao" : "BAW"
    } ]
 //Pleast note that marketingInstancesKeys is due for deprecation.
  "marketingInstancesKeys" : [ "0573bc04c69d7219116c2e6e2539ca8e4cbfb22524adc244e5ceaa59642df5df", "5d1092c568768278ac95518f05c6ab06d0947714acf79faecf485916bb5cc72e", "94ac698d905df675cd0e7cc73248848e739e5299f1053ba00236ecb47b3d59af", "af1cd578525f17978754c8f706318d5d66ca6d476eb0da9b9ece01c1c8bb6d39", "e3f4861f179cc895d0dd7142ee0e7cc9ccf273c92455386e757f6c711b21702a" ],
  "alertId" : "7adb68b6-c4f0-4743-a58a-b9a9c760bd48"

Proposed State

Please note that the "Proposed" state is only applicable for General Aviation flights.

  "documentType": "FlightStatus",
  "flightType": "GA",
  "state": "Proposed",
  "flightNumber": 0,
  "originationDate": {
    "local": "2023-09-10T00:00:00"
  "departure": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-09-10T23:43:00",
        "utc": "2023-09-11T03:43:00"
      "estimated": {
        "outGateTimeliness": "OnTime",
        "outGateVariation": "00:00:00",
        "outGate": {
          "local": "2023-09-10T23:43:00-04:00",
          "utc": "2023-09-11T03:43:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "AGC",
      "icao": "KAGC",
      "faa": "AGC"
  "arrival": {
    "times": {
      "scheduled": {
        "local": "2023-09-11T01:10:00",
        "utc": "2023-09-11T06:10:00"
      "estimated": {
        "onGround": {
          "local": "2023-09-11T01:02:00-05:00",
          "utc": "2023-09-11T06:02:00+00:00"
    "airport": {
      "iata": "BNA",
      "icao": "KBNA",
      "faa": "BNA"
  "messageTimestamp": "1694390358851",
  "messageId": "5c1831d6-d4cc-44af-b103-83b155f7aa56",
  "statusKey": "a0ea617ecc6708d74341df6ed47cffc6be8137741f9ca39ddaac15987d39f496",
  "isOperating": true,
  "alertId": "c94672da-38c7-477d-9658-7ca43192f3de",
  "generalAviationFlightIdentifier": "N30LP"