Q4 2022 Release Notes - Flight Info Alerts
New Features
- A check is now done at the Alert creation time if a duplicate Alert has already been created. If it is, the Alert request will be rejected.
- Users who attempt to create a Global alert while having other Alerts active would not be able to, until the other Alerts are deleted.
- Added additional validation to reject CreateAlert or UpdateAlert requests when done with invalid key values.
- All events sent to the Event Hub are now tagged with an Alert ID, so users may look at which Alert first triggered an event.
- General improvements were made to the response times of the Alerts management API.
- Improved the documentation regarding the CreateAlert and UpdateAlert method in the developer's portal.
- The error message for profile creation when a user tries to create another profile when one has already been created has been amended for clarity.
- Fixed a bug where deleting or deactivating an Alert still resulted in events being sent.