Q4 2023 Release Notes - Flight Info Alerts

Status Change Filters MVP

It is now possible to filter out specific changes for status updates.

When creating an alert that has status set to true, these new parameters are now available:

   "estimatedArrivalTimeThreshold": 10,
"estimatedDepartureTimeThreshold": 10,
"statusChangeFilters": {
"baggage": true,
"aircraftRegistrationNumber": true,
"gates": true,
"terminal": true,
"seats": true,
"aircraftType": true

A value of true indicates that you would like to receive updates when we detect changes in the specific data field and a value of false indicates that you do not want to be notified when we detect a change in that specific data field.

The change filters work on the basis of filtering out specific updates based on the data fields that have experience a change compared to the previous update. For example, having "baggage" set to false means that for that alert, if the update only contains changes to the baggage belt information, we will filter that out on our end and not send it to you.

Descriptions of each filter:

Filter Description
estimatedArrivalTimeThreshold Integer values starting from 0; This filter works on the estimated inGateVariation data field in the output and will filter out updates when the variation is less than or equal to the value indicated.
estimatedDepartureTimeThreshold Integer values starting from 0; This filter works on the estimated outGateVariation data field in the output and will filter out updates when the variation is less than or equal to the value indicated. 
baggage Filter for changes related to baggage belt on arrival.
aircraftRegistrationNumber Filter for changes related to tail number.
gates Filter for changes related to both departure and arrival gate information.
terminal Filter for changes related to both departure and arrival terminal.
seats Filter for changes related to seat capacity information.
aircraftType Filter for changes related to aircraft or equipment type.


Logic for filtering:

As one update may contain multiple data fields changing, the nature of the filtering above is that as long as any one of the filters are set to true, and one of the data fields that changed is specific to that filter, the update will be delivered. For example, in this case:

    "statusChangeFilters": {
"baggage": true,
"aircraftRegistrationNumber": true,
"gates": true,
"terminal": true,
"seats": true,
"aircraftType": true

The alert is filtering out changes to aircraft registration number as well as gates. Here are the difference scenarios that could occur:

  • We receive an update which includes changes to aircraft registration number only: the event is not sent.
  • We receive an update which includes changes to baggage and aircraft registration number: the event is sent, as you have indicated an interest to receive changes for baggage - even though it also contains a change to aircraft registration number.