Q2 2022 Release Notes - Flight Info Direct



General Enhancements

  1. Improved query performance on the connections table by incorporating search optimisation. Search optimization enablement on the connections table brings significant improvement when running queries with filters as well as running 3 concurrent queries.

  2. Some connections direct data columns have also been renamed to match the standard OAG columns/data point naming convention to harmonise across the Flight Info suite of products.


General Enhancements

  1. Operating flight indicators have now been added to the schedule emissions view to resolve the issue with the inflated emission amounts. All marketing flights now inherit emissions amount from the operating flights.

  2. Operating flight indicators have now been added to the status emissions view to resolve the issue with the inflated emission amounts. All marketing flights now inherit emissions amount from the operating flights.

Status Direct 1.0


Version 1.0 of Status Direct introduces 2 new data views available in Direct for customers to use status content.

  • View: FLIGHT_STATUS which shows all of the related status messages received for each flight

  • View: FLIGHT_STATUS_LATEST, which shows only the final known state for each flight


You can view the data points for status direct here


  1. Status Direct view is available back to November 2021.

  2. Each record for a flight is uniquely identified by the FLIGHT_STATUS_PK column.

  3. Records also include the SCHEDULE_INSTANCE_KEY and OPERATING_SCHEDULE_INSTANCE_KEY data points:

    1. SCHEDULE_INSTANCE_KEY - A unique key for the status records relating to one flight instance so customers can easily relate data from the Schedules table and the Status table.

    2. OPERATING_SCHEDULE_INSTANCE_KEY - A unique key for the status records relating to one flight instance which facilitates the possibility of linking a flight instance to its related status records

  4. Capacity content in both views:

    1. Actual seats that were available based on the aircraft registration

    2. Predicted seats based on OAGs seating capacity model