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Understanding Flight Status States

Below you will find an explanation of each of the possible states for a flight in our Flight Status data.

The Flight State field might differ slightly in nomenclature across products. These are the names of the fields in each of the Flight Info Suite:

Product Field Name
Flight Info API state
Flight Info Alerts state
Flight Info Direct FLIGHT_STATE

Possible states and descriptions

State Description
Scheduled Indicates that the flight is scheduled by the carrier.
OutGate Aircraft has left the departing gate. Also known as: Chocks off
InAir Aircraft has taken off. Also known as: Wheels Up, Airborne
Landed Aircraft has landed. Also known as: Wheels Down, Touchdown
InGate Aircraft now at arriving gate. Also known as: Chocks on
Canceled Flight is now canceled.
Diverted Flight has been diverted. Note that this status can happen anytime after OutGate and before InGate.
Proposed Indicates a General Aviation flight is proposed for the route.

Flight Delay / On Time / Early

Whether a flight is delayed, on time or early are not indicated as an actual value under the flight state field. In our products, we have provided that information as 'sub-states' for each of the estimated and actual departure or arrival times which can fall under any of the 'parent' states above.

Fields that indicate if a flight is on time, delayed or early by product:

Flight Info API

Field Description
estimatedTime > outGateTimeliness Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the estimated time of departure supplied by the carrier.
estimatedTime > outGateVariation Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the estimated departure time in comparison to the scheduled departure time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in estimated>outGateTimeliness, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
actualTime > outGateTimeliness Indicates if the flight is delayed, on time, or early based on the actual time of departure supplied by the carrier.
actualTime > outGateVariation Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the actual departure time in comparison to the scheduled departure time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in actual>outGateTimeliness, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
estimatedTime > inGateTimeliness Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the estimated time of arrival supplied by the carrier.
estimatedTime > inGateVariation Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the estimated arrival time in comparison to the scheduled arrival time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in actual>inGateTimeliness, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
actualTime > inGateTimeliness Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the actual time of arrival supplied by the carrier.
actualTime > inGateVariation Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the actual arrival time in comparison to the scheduled arrival time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in actual>inGateTimeliness, while a negative value will result in an Early state.


Flight Info Alerts

Field Description
estimated > outGateTimeliness Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the estimated time of departure supplied by the carrier.
estimated > outGateVariation Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the estimated departure time in comparison to the scheduled departure time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in estimated>outGateTimeliness, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
actual > outGateTimeliness Indicates if the flight is delayed, on time, or early based on the actual time of departure supplied by the carrier.
actual > outGateVariation Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the actual departure time in comparison to the scheduled departure time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in actual>outGateTimeliness, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
estimated > inGateTimeliness Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the estimated time of arrival supplied by the carrier.
estimated > inGateVariation Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the estimated arrival time in comparison to the scheduled arrival time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in actual>inGateTimeliness, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
actual > inGateTimeliness Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the actual time of arrival supplied by the carrier.
actual > inGateVariation Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the actual arrival time in comparison to the scheduled arrival time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in actual>inGateTimeliness, while a negative value will result in an Early state.


Flight Info Direct (Status)

Field Description
DEPARTURE_ESTIMATED_OUTGATE_TIMELINESS Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the estimated time of departure supplied by the carrier.
DEPARTURE_ESTIMATED_OUTGATE_VARIATION Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the estimated departure time in comparison to the scheduled departure time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in DEPARTURE_ESTIMATED_OUTGATE_TIMELINESS, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
DEPARTURE_ACTUAL_OUTGATE_TIMELINESS Indicates if the flight is delayed, on time, or early based on the actual time of departure supplied by the carrier.
DEPARTURE_ACTUAL_OUTGATE_VARIATION Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the actual departure time in comparison to the scheduled departure time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in DEPARTURE_ACTUAL_OUTGATE_TIMELINESS, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
ARRIVAL_ESTIMATED_INGATE_TIMELINESS Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the estimated time of arrival supplied by the carrier.
ARRIVAL_ESTIMATED_INGATE_VARIATION Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the estimated arrival time in comparison to the scheduled arrival time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in ARRIVAL_ESTIMATED_INGATE_TIMELINESS, while a negative value will result in an Early state.
ARRIVAL_ACTUAL_INGATE_TIMELINESS Indicates if the flight is estimated to be delayed, on time, or early based on the actual time of arrival supplied by the carrier.
ARRIVAL_ACTUAL_INGATE_VARIATION Shows the time difference, in HH:MM:SS of the actual arrival time in comparison to the scheduled arrival time. A positive value will result in a Delay state in ARRIVAL_ACTUAL_INGATE_TIMELINESS, while a negative value will result in an Early state.



The determination of whether a flight is delayed, on time or early can often be arbitrary between use cases. As an example, a delay of 5 minutes may not be signficant to most passengers to be considered a 'real' delay but may be of interest in calculating overall on-time performance. With the above fields we make it possible for our users to determine if a flight is delayed, on time or early based on their own thresholds.